
I found Dark Souls for ten bucks, that made me happy. It was from some other country, but it activated a-ok on steam.

Go away.

The new Star Trek is awesome! It made me a trekkie again.

It's only the noises that they're making on screen. Everything else isn't there.

No kidding! I don't care if they divide the posts between 'non author' and author... but dang! Removing the comments side by side is just plain stupid.

Bless you!

The same is true of Gizmodo and XKCD.

I, uh, just installed DS1 yesterday. Got it on sale!

I went down there and died... however, I went down there and RAN, got the souls, and ran back to the camp! Raider. Ha.

I am:
a. Not going to get a Xbox One for this.
b. I will not call the Xbox One the Xbone. That sounds silly.

I hate the single file thing.

No, YOU lurk more! Baha. I'm posting this because I've been lurking long enough.

Thanks for all of the advice! Once I have the game up and running I know I'll be referring to what you wrote again.

Man, I'm buying it because I know it will be hard! Haha. I remember a comic where there were people around a fire, watching a guy go out to fight. 'he must be new here'.

Great! That's exactly what I was hoping for. The game is now downloading on steam, is your username the same? Mine is the same as my steam account.

Sweet! Thanks for the info. I picked it up for fairly cheap, and installing now.

I have one, and the game has been purchased! For 10 bucks too!

I've thought about getting this game (ds1) for the pc. Besides the fix program, are there any other good add-ons? Or maybe general advice? All I've read is, "It's really hard and you'll want to die!"

See, most people don't care.

However, people do care when other people are dicks to well meaning people.

"I had seen the "Boring Angel" video. I love it. I just made this video for fun. But once it made a stir and the comparisons were drawn, I considered the ethics of it all. I came to the conclusion that, despite the implications, emoji is a relevant language and that John Michael Boling and I are each using it with