
The thing is, this is only the start. We got to the moon because, damn it, we needed to get there before the Soviets! (And because Kennedy was shot) In the past, that is how NASA was. No limits. Now, we don't have that. The place that lacks limits is the private sector.

Don't call me a librarian*! I'm a conservative who really likes science.

I'm ready for a world that makes sense. Let's combine science, common sense, capitalism, and hard work to do some awesome things.

So, you're saying that Government oversight (fill out requisition number 472s7.j to be able to use the restroom) isn't the best way to go about it? You mean letting a business have the freedom to do what they need to – within the bounds of humanity – means that they will outperform an organization crippled by

Openness of ideas, that's why I like capitalism.

Am I the only one who sees the ship from The Core?

Thank you for the J-Pop. Who was that?

No, your terms are incorrect. This is consumerism.

Not everything people want to watch is online.

It was funny Allright. It's a pity that you didn't get it.

Cardboard, with the correct additions, is very large lasting. Grab an engineer and introduce them to any material and they'll figure out how to make a building with it that will last.

It's rather like this XKCD comic.

The need to remove that damn global Yahoo header thing from Flickr.

Also: groups. WTF did they do to them?

Step one of Android phones is to install a new Rom. Such as MIUI or that rom with a name similar to cyan.

Women: you can't live with 'em.

Said in a Russian accent, "My friend, you miss the point of Giz. Giz isn't for talking about the articles, no, my friend, it is for talking about the topic of the post."

That price is on part with the price of the pods.

What? DLC's are the way of the future. If the original Final Fantasy was made now it would have had DLC's.

The game was awesome. Story was amazing. I also, for example, loved FFX. I believe that FFXIII-2 is on part with FFX.

FFXIII-2 is proof that Final Fantasy isn't dead.