
That isn't a problem! Warm people to use care, don't warn people to not be creative and copy the things done by applying it to something new!

The bigger point is that they're acting like what they are doing is copyrighted – It's a creative process. Encourage people to give it a try!

"Warning: The following video features techniques and actives preformed by a professional filmmaker. Please do not attempt to recreate or re-enact any of the activities preformed in this video."

Let it die.

Also, a heavy ruler.

I have a glossy screen, and I apply a technique that I didn't even realized that I used until recently: I'm always moving my head and eyes slightly as I look at the screen, if there is a glare. I picked this up from looking at works of art behind glass.

Most of the money we owe in debt is to our children.

Ah, does it handle composition now too?

Steins;Gate and Suzumiya Haruhi.

All of the Homeworld series.

I just want a better way to browse the Flickr forums on my android.

A 60D, a Canon EOS film camera, and a 500c hasselblad.

Assumptions are cool, man.

The crop of that title photo is really bad.

Riiiiight. You keep on believing that.

Plaster is so hard to work with, so it's understandable that this is being called art. And, it is art.

I'll just quietly mention that there is a minor error in one of the names.

So, Android is better for me because I hate those online games?

Agreed. The thing is crap.