
All of your points are very valid and no one is defending the guy for taking up a handicap space. What they're saying is that if you're not a total pussy and you have a serious issue with it, the grown, adult man thing to do is to confront the individual and let them know that behavior is unacceptable. Not to be a

Ah, but Jaegers are mechs. Piloted robots. A whole 'nother can of bolts to open....


Taken at the recent Flat Out Classic @ Heartland Park in Topeka. Looked great, sounded even better. Owner said it was the best toy he'd ever owned.

I found it, but it appears to be linked with garbage sales watermarks.

Only if the "S" in Corolla S meant something more than plastic body kits...

This is, actually, the best answer of the day to the asshat!

Indeed. Can someone please explain to me the allure of flappy paddles? If you want to change gears, get a stick; if not, get an automatic. The middling latitudes of flappy paddles (or Tiptronic transmissions) leave me unimpressed.

Now playing

The Volvo P3/P80 Chassis is even better when you add AWD.

And you can put all your shit on the roof and have room for SEVEN

Just as a funny note, the incestuous act you mentioned would be rather impractical, given that in order to do that I would have to dig out my mom from the burial ground where she was laid in 1997.
At this point I'm curious, though. Knowing that in my country (Italy) this act would never even cross the mind of a man, do

Please, keep behaving this way. Here you are proving several things:

Now playing

That's a good point. We need to use examples he can understand.

Just a suggestion, but I wouldn't go making a bunch of jokes about education since you basically got schooled up and down this thread.


Wow, you definitely got him with that one. Way to go man, I'm now thoroughly convinced that you're an outstanding human being with absolutely no personality disorders. None at all. You've officially won the debate.

Visual representation of Automatch's debating prowess demonstrated in this thread:

and all of a sudden, a comparison of apples to dishwashers is made.

From the X6 to the 3&5 GT I just don't what BMW it's doing anymore.

dat torque.