Actually it is surprising that someone would code a firmware update for an old CD player probably no longer in use. After a couple of years, that's usually in the department of "tough noogie."
Actually it is surprising that someone would code a firmware update for an old CD player probably no longer in use. After a couple of years, that's usually in the department of "tough noogie."
Exactly. When you arrive at ATL, you have a long train ride and then another long train ride just to get your bags and your car. It's not a convenient airport by any stretch of the imagination.
Just like AA dominates DFW. At least you have two very well connected choices. Delta doesn't want that for Atlanta.
I think a lot of the quality of mixes has to do with the quality of the performer. Or at least the quality of their true musical skills.
The guy definitely still has it.
Maryland is showing the same level of class that they did in the ACC. No wonder a lot of ACC schools' fans are happy to be rid of them.
This gone past ridiculous and has become absurd. Having a World Cup in a country near a war zone in the middle of the European club season by having games in the middle of the night? Crazy, stupid and not at all good for the game.
I wonder if the coalition has forwarded Assad IFF codes through backchannels.
FIFA may not want the report release because someone would go to prison.
And so it begins: another season of the Carolina Hurricanes finishing 9th and missing out on the playoffs by 4-5 points. For the fourth year in a row.
It's good to know that after having solved all of its domestic violence issues, the NFL can return to ensuring its players are as humorless as possible after scoring.
Dragon V2 has not flown. It is a different vehicle.
At this point in time, least advanced is equivalent to lowest risk. Innovation is a great thing, and that's likely why SpaceX was chosen. Track record and proven, reliable technology is another, and that's why Boeing was given their part of the contract.
"Boeing's experience with NASA and producing hardware for the space program for decades is the most likely explanation for their choice as the primary recipient of NASA's money"
Wait, what? No Deadspin writers? I call shenanigans.
Next year, the NFL will institute a fifteen-yard "roughing the trombonist" penalty to keep this nonsense from happening.
Or just go skydiving for a couple of hundred bucks. That's the price to meat-bomb (be the passenger on a tandem) and if you like that, you can move up to Accelerated Freefall Training and jump with your own parachute with two instructors helping you.
But without [lobbyists] no laws would ever be written.
Stereotype much, Drew?
Why anyone pays any attention at all to ESPN's infinite stable of blowhards like Cowherd and Bayless simple escapes me. They say stupid sh*t over and over and over and then repeat themselves once again in case you just missed it. The more controversial, the better, because for some reason, the worse they are, the…