
Ferguson pretty much always shook the opposition manager's hand, with a few notable exception.

That was no flop. His legs were cut out from under him. It's a yellow card but nothing more than that.

I bet his back never hurt when he was playing down the fairways of a porn star.

Pride goeth before the fall. In this case, that fall might be the price of real estate in greater LA, and that might just piss off some pretty important Los Angelinos who have property for sale.

"Ronaldo can do that."

Five teams have won the Premiership, not four. Manchester United have won 13 titles, the rest of the Premiership, 9 combined.

Right...three alums are starting NFL QB's last season and one won the Super Bowl. A basketball player drafted #14 in the recent draft.

FIFA are a toothless organization rife with internal corruption. It's not just racism — and there are real incidents of racist acts in the stands in Europe on a regular basis that make the "puto" chant seem pale.

Charlotte is going to regret this trade if Napier stays healthy. It's good to know Jordan got his man, however, another former UNC guy. Carolina puts out a lot of great talent, but Jordan has taken his preference for fellow alumni way over the top.

Do you hear that? No? You're right, that's silence. It's the sound of everyone not giving a damn about what you care about.

Nani can score, though he has been doing precious little of that for his club team the past 1.5 seasons.

One would think that the '49ers new stadium would have to make the list. HUGE market, state-of-the-art field and great weather at the time of a potential World Cup. As @LUCRambler points out below, not going to Chicago would be a travesty. And then there's Jerry World in Dallas, plus Houston's NRG Stadium.

Levy is alright, but his insistence of saying "the former Hartford Whalers" when he talked about the Carolina Hurricanes went on so long (and through two Stanley Cup Finals) that the League told him to stop it. He was always butthurt that Hartford's team left the mall for a new arena, and doubly so when it hoisted

Given the problems that this bid has had — logistical and ethical — it makes more sense to re-open the process and award the 2022 tournament to a country that already has the infrastructure to host it. The best choices would be Australia, England or the US.

Oh, I did. No worries.

SpaceX gets plenty of federal money, and they have said that their Falcon9 booster's development was greatly accelerated thanks to the Commercial Cargo program.

The US built its own version of the V2 in the 1940s - the Hermes B1.

The FA would claim that since the referee saw it and didn't take action, that their hands were tied. Unless of course it was Luis Suarez, who they would have expelled from the planet.

I really wish you guys would quit picking on Darren Rovell. I so miss his autobot tweets during sporting events. /sarcasm