
Any victory she wins would be pyrrhic, given that she would face an exodus of talent on the roster and extreme difficulty recruiting new players. Ultimately, in the face of losses (fans would not come to see a weakened Clippers team) she'd end up selling anyway.

You can bet that ESPN would be all over it if the bottom MLB teams were going to be sent down to AAA and the top AAA teams would be in MLB the next year. One other point - relegation is the norm in South America and other regions as well. MLS is the outlier in that they don't have it.

Sky Sports is the ESPN of the UK. Sky Sports 1, 2, 3, and 4 are available as a premium package on top of the basic Sky package. These channels are also available as premium on nearly every satellite, cable and IPTV broadcasting system in the UK and Ireland. Unlike the other channels, Sky Sports News is provided as

Cry us a river, Francesa. Your ratings are something like 20% of UEFA footy.

Since they put Eric Wynalda in as Gus Johnson's color man for game broadcasts, Fox's studio coverage has improved tremendously.

Dr. Drew is clearly wrong on this, but then again, who relies much on a talk-show doctor for much in the way of meaningful medical information? After all, his "30 years of doing this" are mainly filled with being a media figure.

I learned how to drive in a Mustang II. It belonged to my grandparents. Later, after I got my learner's permit, they let me drive most of the way to Florida. Long story short on I-75, I got that puppy up to 85 to pass a truck and they were white with terror. My granddad told me later he thought the engine was

And given the widespread availability of model R/C aircraft and 'copters already, do you think a federal law or rule will stop a determined terrorist?

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

So, reviewing the devices using the databus on a car you own is potential "industrial espionage?" That's ridiculous.

To speed up end-of-game scenarios, stop endless fouling by having a two-shots-and-the-ball after 16 fouls. Or 15.

I didn't know a former UNC athlete was recently on Jeopardy.

The worst part of it is that he violated the UNC Honor Code by plagiarizing Rosa Parks' autobiography. See:

I like soccer, good beer, Chicago, Apple computers and a few other things in this list. I'm just not an asshole about.

That's one game. I'm talking about overall and over twenty seasons.

Boeheim and Syracuse fans are learning that a picture of ACC basketball referees can be seen in the dictionary under "incompetent."

Even better, they were claiming she had the best finish for a woman ever in the Daytona 500...despite the fact that it was a replay, which would mean that the only tied herself for last year's race.

I saw what you did there. Well played.

Anything Costas would have in reply was sure to come up a little short.

You'll have to settle for two-nil, but it was a fairly complete beating.