
Ashli Babbit died like the little bitch she was. The only thing worth mourning is the taxpayer money spent on the ammunition wasted on her.

My computer disagrees.

The only person to ever successfully self-uninstall McAfee on the first attempt.
Get ready for the conspiracies.

Between the smoke every year from the fires as everything burns to the ground as the Jewish Space Lazers power up once more (funny how they only have power during the summer months), and the fact that we managed to eradicate several Influenza strains in the last year, it’s pretty clear masks have and should continue

“I just want a mate”

Holy Shit, HOW IS IT WORSE?!

“never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”

Thank you for having the patience and knowledge to explain this. This isn’t just some stupid cat fight like Benevolus wants to make it out because one girl is ‘Pretty and nice and helping bees!” Disney Princess Bee Remover is providing a false narrative that could hurt an already decimated bee population and people

NFT’s need to go away already.

Great on paper but then you realize we don’t have a national database to verify people’s vaccination status and there is an industry for counterfeit vaccination cards. So this won’t go well.

From my cold, dead hands, motherfuckers.

Achieved what? Taking federal subsidies and calling it rugged free market determination? That’s old hat.

How did you miss Kudlow’s rant about us having to drink “shudder” plant based beer? Apparently he is not aware that beer is not “meat squeezings”.  

How do you de-escalate when someone have a gun?”

I hope everyone mining and trading in crypto loses all the money they put into it.

All Musk did was to buy an existing boring machine and use it to dig a tunnel that is too small to be a highway tunnel or subway tunnel.  It has none of the safety measures required for use as a transportation tunnel (emergency walkways, emergency exits, fire ventilation systems, etc.).  But somehow Musk has convinced

If this is the future of public transit...

In other news, Nobel laureate James Watson is also known for voicing his opinions that certain races are inherently, genetically inferior to others. You know, the same Jim Watson who essentially founded the scientific field of molecular biology and genetics 50 years ago.

This violates the rule that everyone younger than the Boomers has to gang up against the Boomers. No infighting!