
It’s dangerous for the president of a country to say it. What the leaders of a nation say and don’t say have meaning and sway large swaths of people. And it’s dangerous for Facebook to say something out of one side of their mouth while affecting a different action out of the other, depending on which message it is

It’s somewhat refreshing that he asked for, rather than demanded, special treatment, and (apparently) didn’t make a fuss when the answer was “no.”

It’s interesting that now Tesla is successful and making money, sci-fi nerds have turned on Musk because he’s lost the “underdog” status

I find it funny that people think Musk is some great progressive guy, I guess because he once smoked a joint on Joe Rogan’s podcast, when he’s an even bigger greedy shithead than most CEOs.

Your recto-cranial-inversion is showing.

Listen you toxic piece of crap, I was watching TOS decades before TNG was even a thing. I was getting Star Trek The Motion Picture toy sets from McDonalds when the film was in theatres. Bring your garbage ass gate keeping bullshit attitude somewhere else.

That shot of the earth illustrates one thing to me.

Man, who’s holding you in the entertainment depravation chamber, chaining you to the couch, and forcing your eyes open to watch “Picard”?

Right?? That's been my biggest fear with the return of Trek, these angry nerds who are upset that the world has changed, and they haven't. Different era, same shitty attitude.

Dammit I really miss Carl Sagan.

One step closer to this then.

So Kurtzman lays waste to everything that was established before and scoffs at the hopeful ideals that separated Star Trek from other scifi... His sickening dystopian fetish has permanently defiled Star Trek.

This right here is why the “But China” argument is wrong, and disingenuous.

...Marvel and Disney seeking total control of my father’s creations must be checked and balanced by others who, while still seeking to profit, have genuine respect for Stan Lee and his legacy...

Seriously, she’s just pissed she’s not getting paid anymore... she is not a good person by most standards to speak for Stan Lee. Who by all accounts and standards was very supportive of the MCU and Disney’s attempts to bring all his characters home.

I think in this case, we can all say with good conscience:

One word, or errr, name

My fucking god, it talks to itself now