
Do you mean tarring, feathering and running them out of town on a rail?

It must have been a lot of fun for the two of them to work together for this episode (seeing as Jerry O’Connell (Ransom) is Rebecca’s husband).

From what I remember reading many years ago, most scientists expect that the Sun will leave something akin to the Ring Nebula once it sheds its outer atmosphere on its way to becoming a white dwarf.

He’s literally the 21st century Henry Ford.

At this point, I doubt there’s anyone who could bring back advertisers (outside of right wing grifters, that is) to Twitter.  I don’t know of any corporation that would want to be seen as willing to advertise on a site full of fascists, Nazis and authoritarians (but I repeat myself).

It is wild how many new SUVs and trucks I see on the road now. I do think more could be said for consumer choices and people’s personal responsibilities for climate change, instead of pushing full responsibility onto fossil fuel companies.

The problem is that people only see the bad that has happened with nuclear power plants, and not the fact that compared to many other power generation systems, they have the safest run of operation (2 massive issues in something like 70 years).

True, but the original comment I replied to was talking about the devastation that would be wrought worldwide if Ebola or Marburg ever became airborne.

Yeah, I remember that was the whole basis of the movie Outbreak. You’re definitely not kidding that it would be an extremely bad thing if one ever became airborne.

If you own a home, there’s a good chance that you have proper ventilation.

The thing is, ‘salami slicing’ has been around since way before both movies. But yeah, Superman III was the first time a lot of the public ever found out about it.

While we don’t know anything yet, I won’t be surprised if this ‘attack’ turns out to be a whole pile of bullshit on Muskrat’s end.

I get the feeling that he may ‘find out’ with Tesla soon, as I’m sure they have a coda in his contract that states if he causes enough of a drop in their stock price, that he can be removed as CEO.

He committed treason. He defected to Russia. This is not unexpected.

Why would anyone trust someone who sold out their own country already? He’s damaged goods as far as being a double agent.

Don’t forget making literal threats against people, doxxing them, and many other things that could get people killed when using Twitter (and having Musk there to back you up should anyone complain).

Maybe Musk somehow believes that if he greases the right palms, that problem can go away. Not realizing that if the FTC and other agencies in the federal government start taking a really close look at Twitter under Musk, that they mind find stuff that comes with more penalties than just financial.

We need an amendment to the 13th removing slavery and indentured servitude as punishments.

Maybe he sees himself as Joker from The Dark Knight?

And after one of the biggest representatives for advertisers took him to task for his actions, he went out of his way to suspend the reps account.