
Bear in mind this is a guy who dreams of a transhumanist future on Mars but doesn’t really grasp the human element needed for that. He can drive rocketry innovation but has done little for human survivability on the planet. This is his problem with his Twitter takeover. He doesn’t fully grasp the human aspect needed

“Tacking into the Wind” remains a great episode in the way it deals with Worf, Gowron and Martok. I loved the fact that Worf was willing to stand up to Gowron and deal with him in such a Klingon manner, and with him handing the reins of power over to Martok, knowing he would be a decent head of the High Council.

Bullying and harassment are free speech? Even if they cause a person to take their life when it’s unending and affecting another person’s daily life?

Sadly, I’m beginning to think that the bulk of humanity has a death wish, and they want to eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow they know they’ll die.

How long before they sue the estate of Carl Sagan? I mean, he was already talking about he dangers of global climate change back in the 1980's when he did his Cosmos miniseries.

ST:TMP - Where Nomad has gone before.

The funny thing is, the first time I saw that, looking quickly at the picture, I wondered to myself “What the hell is Isaac Asimov doing in a picture with Star Trek actors?”  Then I actually looked closer, and realized it was Roddenberry.

My cynical hypothesis is that the Supreme Court may support the right to abort septic pregnancies so they can then turn around and say “See? Overturning R vs W wasn’t monsterous! We can have a common-sense compromise!”

That is the plan.  This is just another brick removed to dismantle the administrative state completely and leave the federal government unable to actually do anything unless they have a majority that decides to do it (and also agrees with the SCOTUS, as they have placed themselves as final arbiters of everything, even

Pretty much.  If nothing is done about this, the next attack will be successful and lawmakers (at least certain ones) will be killed by the mobs.

I’m talking more of the whole authoritarian government and less some of the things they did.

I don’t believe so, if the legal underpinnings of a decided case rest on the legal underpinnings which were just declared null & void, then they can argue that sine the prior law was all that held up the following decisions, they are also considered null & void.

The scary thing is, if I’m reading that correctly, Thomas is arguing that they should consider those decisions to be null and void before the end of this term due to their underpinnings being based on personal privacy and Roe. And sadly, they just might do it.

It’s more dangerous than many people understand. The underpinnings for Alito and the other 5's decision is based on the concept of personal privacy. By making this decision, they are blatantly stating that the people of the US have no right to privacy of any kind.

The Right has finally been successful in taking over the nation. It started way back under FDR, and playing the long game, they tilted the entire system in their favor.

As I’m sure we’ll find out soon, privacy is only for those who can pay for the privilege.

Better that they dot every I and cross every T when it comes to the SLS working as perfectly as possible. I doubt NASA would want a repeat of the issues that happened with the former shuttle program.

Do you think he cares if people are threatened, harassed, etc.?

When are we going to bring scientists and intelligence into the Senate? FFS.

Just dump her in Death Valley for a few days.  We’ll see how that turns out for her.