
Not just that, but every thing he posted in that word salad were all extreme right wing ‘educators’ and ‘judges’. Of course they’ll say anything teaching about how whites have mistreated blacks and other minorities is wrong and must be destroyed.

Washington Examiner? That’s your proof? An extreme right wing ‘newspaper’ with more bias than any serious journalistic enterprise should have?

I’m wagering that the future version will act just like that. Will be armed and will shoot to kill at a moments notice.

The best thing you can do is set up two-factor authentication. Then you can either have it text you every time you sign in with a code number, or use an authenticator (there are plenty of free ones, but Google is the easiest for home use) and it will give you a random number that you punch in after signing in.

You’re not wrong. My uncle had a few hives for many years, and while he would let us get close to them (after smoking the hive) without protective gear, he certainly wouldn’t work on them without wearing the proper protective gear (as he found out once when forgetting to put his hat on and a bunch of his bees got

Why would we need a superintelligence to wipe out humanity? We seem to be doing pretty damn well at that without any help from an AI.

Vaccination doesn’t always mean that it guarantees you won’t get the disease in question. Case in point, the flu. I’ve actually contracted a milder case of the flu after getting my yearly vaccine more than a few times. You can still contract COVID even if you’ve had the vaccine.

But I’m not going to get sick because I’m vaccinated. They should get vaccinated so they don’t get sick either.

Big difference, NASA has been at the space game a helluva lot longer than Space X. 60+ years vs. roughly 19 years. And outside of losing those astronauts and a civilian over all that time, they’ve had a pretty damn good run of dealing with putting objects and people into orbit (and sending probes to just about

Well, at least until the day one of them explodes on the pad or after liftoff, carrying astronauts instead of cargo.  Law of averages says it’s very possible that could happen.

Good luck with them going to Mars at this point. Unless you like the thought of astronauts being subjected to hard radiation their entire trip there and back.

You need to thank to previous US administration for getting rid of sarcasm from the general narrative.  Just seeing what crazy as bullshit his acolytes and cultists will spew and actually believe makes one realize that there are a lot of citizens of the US that are truly batshit insane.

Well, who knows? Maybe Kudlow is a disgraced Klingon who was left on 21st century Earth and demands blood wine?

The problem in the US being that so much of the water is being siphoned off for both bottled water (fuck you Nestlé) and also being used up in fracking (or being poisoned by the fracking fluid).

Musk is someone who saw the movie Elysium and thinks that it actually exists.

He’s basically in Bond villain territory now.

People seem to forget that in the US, many citizens would rather be told comfortable lies than have to face the hard truth. Look at how everyone thought Carter was an imbecile when he explained how we had to save energy, but cheered for Reagan when he stated that we should be using more and more fossil fuels, and to

One hopes they continue to believe it. Hell, I wouldn’t be that upset if they were the first ones to go to Mars.

Even though I’ve loved their sandwiches and Jamocha shakes, finding out that their owners are doing everything they can to keep employees wages low means I certainly won’t be frequenting Arby’s anymore.

This needs to be a serious tax proposal asap. It would fix so much of our country.