
It’s why someone like Murkowski can’t wreck insurance as a whole, but can dick over one (in)famous part of it.

You’re talking about something that the FCC is blatantly doing at the behest of the major ISP’s out there. The same ISP’s that took in all of the monies that the federal government gave them over the last decade or so (that was supposed to be used to upgrade services and the internet backbone) and used it to enrich

Tell that to the people in rural areas who just got completely fucked over by the FCC on subsidized phone service and lack of most internet services.

You might want to wipe off your mouth the next time you make such an asinine comment. The ISP spunk is so damn obvious it’s disgusting.

And we’re fresh out of a starship with a working impulse drive.

Very true. In fact, the katana was always seen by samurai as a weapon of last resort.

Pruitt is becoming the modern American version of Trofim Lysenko. And that scares the living hell out of me.

Well, it’s nice to know that the oil, gas and electrical power companies actively screw the taxpayer out of money when they overcharge the living hell out of the federal government. Might explain why you enjoy Republican administrations, since you can do it without any oversight.

I will almost bet that someone will have an electromagnet somehow coming into contact with those tapes relatively soon, if this BS was done without anyone stopping it.

Obviously you’re not understanding my point.

Makes me wonder about season 2 without his involvement.

So, do you really care about dollars and cents now if the work is being done?

Furthermore a small, 2 employee company taking on a $300M contract is a huge risk for the company itself from a cash flow standpoint.

As far as price gouging goes, if your credit is shit, you get payday loan interest rates. Fact.

Basically, our government is slowly (or quickly) becoming an organized crime group.

I’m pretty sure that either one of the show runners or CBS actually did fess up to it being a reboot a few months ago. Mainly due to the fact that there really isn’t any way that you can reconcile the events of Discovery happening only a decade before TOS.

Another reason for this is that a good number of people in this Administration are also Dominionists. These are people that truly believe that either God will never allow mankind to destroy His creation, or will take His faithful home once they’ve destroyed it enough (or started Armageddon, take your pick).

And the problem is that it’s obvious that Twitter (and Facebook) need to have government oversight into their operations if they truly want to stop foreign powers from screwing with our government and our election systems. But they’ll scream ‘1st Amendment’ and state that no one should be able to put any stopgaps into

I’m not sure we can fully judge the impact of that creative decision so few episodes in. I do think Bryan Fuller tends to play a long game, and I think he’s set that up here too.