
What actually surprises me is that the other fan productions used actual main characters (Spock, Kirk, McCoy), yet nothing was done about it. The story in Axanar takes from a point that was really only talked about in a game (FASA’s Star Trek: RPG), and outside of Garth and Soval, had all new and completely non-canon

But how would you know it’s conclusive evidence? Do you know better than the people whose job it is to ferret out intelligence every day?

The more true information the better. If Hillary was a child-eating pedophile and Germany released a video of her eating a baby in the privacy of her own home, I’d like to know that too. The method by which the information was released sucked if it was the Russians, but the fact that we had the information

It got lost in the month after the election, but there was a story saying that the RNC was definitely hacked, and information taken, but it wasn’t used against them.

The problem was that it’s explained in the book, and they gloss over that reason in the film (or they just decided it was easier to just present it as they did). The big reason being that the aliens didn’t think humanity was ready to actually deal with a truly alien species...yet.

I mean, a form of that is actually happening right now. The site is usually anti-Jewish given its bigoted core. But since Obama is having a roe with Israel, suddenly, everyone on that site is pro-Jewish and SUPER DUPER pro-Israel.

Uh huh, I’m sure that the whites who owned those slaves didn’t kill quite a few child and female slaves during their time. They treated them like spun glass, of course!

I still can’t believe that Carlson hasn’t been knocked on his ass repeatedly.

There’s a part of me that is wondering how these people are going to react when these parts of the government are either shut down, or sold off piecemeal.

Then it strikes me. They beat and jail homosexuals. Russia is terrible for everyone except white men.

Actually, I get the feeling if anyone tried to get someone like your august self fired, it wasn’t due to voting for Trump.

Russia ceased to be communist in 1991. The are a capitalist democratic republic not unlike us.

It is not a race thing or an opinion. It is a fact that drove him to win those states. They are desperately trying to find a way to bring back the good old days of manufacturing that employed them steadily for so long.

One has to wonder who Trump is going to appoint to be the new Trofim Lysenko for the US government?

Holy shit, you’ll believe what the fucking Russians are saying as proof? You do realize that RT is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Russian government, don’t you?

but at this point is it pretty damn hard to pretend that Bill Clinton was not heavily involved in the Jeffery Epstien sex trafficking ring.

I’m of the mind that the people making the decisions to cut these programs really don’t care. They don’t understand it, or if they do, they don’t care that it will put many of the people they are supposed to represent at risk of death and devastation from global climate issues and an increase in extremely strong

HK-47 and HK-51 are my favorite droids. I like Artoo, but both HK’s are total badasses.

I’m beginning to wonder if he’s related (distantly, mind you) to HK-47.

Or, as I like to put it - the Republicans don’t want to govern...they want to rule. Big difference.