
Well, isn’t there a saying that you either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain?

Well, yes, there are republicans that pull that shit, and guess what, when they do that they eventually get punished

If the Republicans actually gave a shit about a real ‘free market’, you’d be right. The problem is that they don’t want that, they want monopolistic corporations that basically squeeze or buy out any competition.

A free market is the last thing they would ever want. They like the idea of picking winners and punishing

Congresscritters hire experts to advise them on these topics.

If you want to see where this all started to unravel, look no further than Newt Gingrich and his taking apart of the governmental groups and internal ‘think tanks’ (much like the Office of Technology Assessment) that helped explain to our elected officials about the things they were legislating.

The problem is that too many people beieve that freedom of speech = freedom from consequences of that speech. That isn’t how it works.

Hate to have to steal this, but someone put it best many years ago.

Yeah, you’re probably upset it wasn’t 500.

I get the feeling that there are a lot of posters here that would love to see Thiel come along and demand that Univision nuke what is left of what was Gawker media and/or sell it to him.

Sadly, I expect it will only be a matter of time before Thiel tries. He won’t be happy until he has ground thee sites into dust.

Pretty much. A really fast fire (if you want a real life example) would be what happened during the testing of the Apollo 1 command module. Sadly, that was how we found out that the cabin of the capsule didn’t need as much pure oxygen as was being used.

We’re not speeding up any kind of doomsday clock. When humans see problems, we fix them. Just like we literally, not figuratively, always have.

Climate changes typically take place over a couple dozen or so centuries; this is taking place within a century and noticeably accelerating in the last decade.

Oh, see, they don’t need proof. Her name is Clinton, the Clintons have always been crooks, ergo Clinton obviously was engaged in illegal deals as SoS.

Did someone report a Wildfire? :)

We are still in an ice age period, after all.

You act as though these people weren’t already screwed over by the DNC leak. Once you admit they were hacked and the information already was out in the wild... it will be easier to admit that maybe wikileaks isn’t responsible.

Wikileaks never stole anything. They just published it and made it worthless.

You completely disregard that a lot of the people that donate to the DNC aren’t wealthy, at all. But you don’t give a shit (obviously) if those people are robbed by this bullshit happening. I mean, who cares if due to this, someone has their bank accounts emptied, their CC’s maxed out, and more opened in their names

So, you have no problem with dictators so long as they were duly elected at first?

Continued elections are what leads to democracies, not militaristic interventions by an army bankrolled by the West and America.