
Allowing a person to use their office to consolidate more power to themselves and their office isn’t what I would call democratic in any way, shape, or form.

So a possible predecessor to myomer from BattleTech?

The problem I have is that when they blew up the Enterprise in Star Trek III, it was an emotional punch to the gut for fans.

Yeah, the people that voted for leaving don’t know how much it’s going to hurt them financially, at least for the next few years. And possibly for the foreseeable future.

I’d be happy if they would re-release the series set for DS9 again. Buying each season separately is a bit more than I want to pay, and the complete sets I’ve seen are selling for well over $600. :(

At least the Borg transwarp conduits made sense. They never really said much about the Excelsior’s drive other than that it was ‘faster than normal warp drive’.

Sounds like they did the same ‘hand wave’ with the ‘trans-warp transporters’ as they did with the whole idea of ‘trans-warp drive’ from STIII.

Oh, I was just busting on you for that, Arti. :)

I wouldn’t have a problem with nuclear power so much if we had been retrofitting the older ones, or taking them offline and building newer ones in their place.

Not to rag on you, but I’m pretty sure that recorded history goes back at least 3000 years. We may have spotty records about what the climate was like around the world then, but we do have records going back at least that far. :)

Politicizing this issue did a huge disservice to society. Politicians are full of shit, and now nobody knows what to believe. Bottom line though, conserving can’t be a bad thing.

I’m not sure I would like the idea of something like this, to tell the truth. But I guess that comes from reading books like Brave New World (and their creation of a caste system) and also being into the BattleTech universe (where the Clans use metal ‘wombs’ to grow Trueborn warriors (and those who are conceived in

And to think, all of those who deny global warming, the fundamentalist’s, the politicians, the big oil and coal guys, and their cronies will just go on living happily while the world spirals down to totally fucked. And those who fucked us get away with it.

Of course we will. But are you looking forward to eating your neighbors (or them eating you) when we kill off most of the food that we need to continue surviving?

According to Wikipedia’s entry about the movie, they still refer to Alec as Scott’s older brother. I would have been surprised if they would have changed that.

Ok, wasn’t sure. I’m pretty sure that I saw Havok in one of the previews (which is someone I was surprised hadn’t showed up in any of the previous movies, seeing as he and Scott are brothers).

Ugh. The last thing they need is the Liefeld treatment.

I’ve come to the conclusion over the last decade that I personally think that CBS and Paramount don’t give a shit about the fans. The fact that they haven’t done anything to celebrate it’s 50th anniversary says volumes.

Do you even science, bro? Because based on your supposedly ‘intelligent’ comments, you hardly know how science works, much less how the world itself works.

Bill Nye made that bet already to the maker of a denier film, but they turned it down. Their argument was that they could never ‘actually’ win, because the government would cook the books on the temperature numbers.