
From a scientific point of view, does the slowing of the currents mean that the waters of the Gulf will become warmer? I'm guessing that would also be a big issue as far as how storms would interact with the waters of the Gulf and the Gulf coastal states.

After watching Cosmos as a kid in the 80's, I was amazed by the knowledge that we are made out of the 'guts' that make up our universe (after hearing Dr. Sagan's comments in the last episode of the series). Now having the evidence to back that up makes me even more amazed by the universe and however it came into

Actually, there are 2. And why am I partisan in my statement? I stated fact, and you don't like that. If that's being partisan, perhaps you need to stop seeing things in black & white.

It was never going to be. The Republicans on the FCC board were never going to agree to Net Neutrality. Just listening to them bloviate on how it was such a bad thing for the American public (when NN has been the gentleman's agreement for over a decade) made on realize how in the pockets of the ISP's they were

And just so you realize where I was coming from, you have no clue what it is like to live under a truly controlling, bureaucratic nightmare of a government, since we haven't HAD one like that here in the US (no matter what the right wing and Republicans would have you believe).

You know, I don't care if you don't reply to this, but that was a lot of words signifying nothing from someone who comes off as an anarchist, or a paranoid loon.

If even 1/10th of what you say was true, why aren't we under the yoke of absolute oppression right now?

Aren't you precious, you REALLY believe that?

How about the fact that if it wasn't FOR the government, we wouldn't have this thing we call the internet. It started as a DARPA project back in the 60's, which then expanded out to universities.

Except for the fact that without the force of the government and laws it is tasked to carry out, humans will revert to form and do their best to disadvantage, marginalize and even kill those who they feel are different from them. Or do you truly SOMEHOW believe the bullshit lie that civil rights would have come about

Sounds like you're suggesting anarchy for the masses, and tons of protection for the 'benighted classes'. If you can pay for a service, then you can have it. If not, well, you're screwed and we'd be happy if you stayed out of earshot and eyesight.

I think the biggest reason (and I will state that this is my personal opinion on the matter) that you have so many people going out of their way to try and debunk the science of GCC is due to the fact that they are spoiled and want to continue to live their lives without changing anything.

Well, aren't you sure of yourself! Are you also a scientist? Or are you also going to make the argument that the scientists whose job it is to study this are all being handsomely paid off (and the ones saying nothing is wrong are the ones that should be listened to?)

Except for the fact that those times were long before any humans existed on the planet, and was also when the atmosphere was a lot denser, I would argue that our existence has had a marked effect on the atmosphere that natural processes can't replicate.

To say that a trace gas like Carbon Dioxide is responsible for anything that happens is sophomoric.

And that could also be easily dealt with by people taking the time to touch and smell any of the produce they want to purchase. Bruised fruit and veggies, so long as they smell ok, are fine.

They've been a parody of themselves ever since they gave the Speaker's position to Newt Gingrich in the 90's. It's just gone downhill for most of them ever since, and has accelerated the most in the last 6 years.

The reality is, if we want to go to Mars before the 2050's, it will end up having to be like the ISS. We would have to sell it (and do it) as a multi-nation mission. To have to rely on one nation to do it will hamper more than help, since spreading the costs out over multiple nations will make it easier to pay for,

The issue isn't that people don't want to do what needs to be done (as I have seen a lot of people who are willing to try new ideas as far as food production and farming of fish and other seafood). The big issue is that the only ones that can truly do anything about the bigger issues (our governments, state and

The problem with ocean acidification is that people won't realize something is wrong until they can't buy their favorite fish or seafood anymore (since things like shellfish won't be able to make hard shells once the ocean acidification reaches and/or goes over the tipping point). Of course, by then, most of the