
That's the problem. They conflate 'weather' with 'climate', when neither are the same thing. They relate to each other, obviously. But these people in Congress either are willfully blind to what's happening, or they really and truly don't care because of all the sweet cash being thrown at them by the petro-chem

Has the RomneyBot been upgraded to 3.0, or are they still trying to patch RomneyBot OS 2.5? ;)

I would argue that the issue he was trying to make was that unlike the ancients (whose use of science and scientific thought & study was narrowly used by specialists only in their societies (the tradespeople, priesthood and astronomer/astrologers of the time)). This is better seen in the information that we have been

From the things I've heard him say recently, let's just say he enjoys drinking tea. :(

The other problem with Space: 1999 (even though I still love to watch it) is that reading up on it's background, it was supposed to actually be season 3 of UFO. They were going to move SHADO from it's base on Earth to the moonbase, and make it larger.

True, but you have to clean up all of the crap floating around in Earth orbit before you do something of that magnitude. Otherwise you run the risk of some errant screw or flake of paint punching holes in it.

That's more than the US does, and a great idea as well.

The difference in sizes also helps those people who may be blind or have bad eyesight and would be able to tell the denomination from the size of the bill in question. Which is one reason why Europe has the variable sized bills.

Benjamin Franklin spoke about people like yourself, and he even told them what they could do if they didn't like polite society, it's costs, and the fruits of living in one:

Oh, so a 'glorified mechanic' is going to school me on science? I had enough of listening to people like you while studying actual science back in the late 80's (when I was studying to be a biologist). You think you know about all of the sciences, yet the reality is, you know how to put things together, fix them or

Then maybe you should actually understand the magnitude of the weapons we have today compared to the ones we dropped on Japan in 1945. The reality is, both countries have something like 10,000 warheads combined. Each MIRV warhead has roughly 5-10 separate warheads, each about a megaton or 2 in yield.

The fact that we and Russia still HAVE nuclear weapons shows the sheer insanity of some people in power. Why do we continue to have all of these weapons that would only require an extremely small percentage to completely wipe all life off of the planet should they ever be launched? The only reason to have them is to

Are you being dense to try start an argument, or do you not realize that it is what is happening by the Republicans trying to pass this asinine legislation? I would think that it would be obvious, based on the article.

This link has gotten more use in the past day or so than I've had to use it in a long time.

Maybe, but I'd expect them to turn Sylvanas into the next 'big bad' before they'd decide to do something like that to Jaina. At least with everything Sylvanas has done, it would make a lot more sense.

I doubt that will happen, since in most of the recent stories with her, she and Kalecgos seem to definitely be a couple. Which would make a lot of sense, since he was the former Aspect of Magic and she has the remaining Guardian power of Aegwynn now.

Actually, there was an article where the writers were asked about the alien bugs in 'Conspiracy', and they were going to be the Borg. But things obviously got changed around and the Borg became the humanoids we now know and love (or hate, as the case may be).

As far as 2001 and the Monolith, the later novels go on to state that the monoliths are sent by hyper evolved creatures to speed evolution along when they find promising species. That's the reasoning behind why you see it at the dawn of man sequence, and again in the room with Bowman. The aliens use the Monolith to

Yeah, I didn't see any of the 'love conquers all' in 'Contact' at all. Granted the book is a lot more engrossing, but the aliens used the image of Ellie's father to speak to her in a form that she would accept (who knows what they may have actually looked like) to explain why they replied to us and why they sent the

I haven't seen Interstellar, but it sounds a lot like Nolan decided to take 'Contact' and write a new story to go along with it. To me, the whole premise sounds eerily similar (except that this movie deals with an actual black hole, and 'Contact' dealt with wormholes...of course, Kip Thorne helped out on both films).