
I loved my crushing and squishing fetishist clientelle. Most of them were so much fun!

Squishing an entire wading pool full of chocolate bars? Check!
Crushing watermelons with my butt cheeks? Check!
Squashing stuffed toys under my boobs? Check!
Getting paid $350 per hour to do it? Double check! (not really - cash only)


Well, I hope you guys feel like you got your $10k worth. It's not like this was a video of her smoking crack or anything.. oh wait, that's Gawker.

In the rich hobby farm areas not far from me, the trend is for "distressed" pick up trucks. Think country music prop style - rust, dented bumpers, etc.

The idea of anyone being able to 'make' consummate spoiled child Justin Bieber do anything he doesn't want to do strikes me as funny.

I picture a combination "off with their heads" Queen of Tarts shriek, combined with the world's most epic toddler tantrum melt down.

See, I'm giggling just picturing it.

HamNo? Is that you?

OT, but that female cop? Miranda Bailey from Grey's Anatomy.

Here's what we need: stronger laws against trafficking and exploitation. Stronger sentences for people convicted of these crimes. For street work, stronger outreach to make sure that the women (it's mostly women and transwomen) working in it are neither of the above, and stronger support networks for them if they are.

Exactly this. Of all the shitty career choices women are forced into out of economic necessity, being a well paid, self employed, empowered sex worker does not even rank on the top ten list.

It makes me insane that people can't appreciate the difference between an exploited victim of trafficking, and an educated woman

Here's the thing - the only person who gets to decide if my work is degrading is me. Otherwise, you're just extrapolating based on your own personal perceptions of the work I do.

It does not help the cause when feminists tell me how deluded I or my friends must be if we actually admit to - God help us - enjoying our

It is still degrading work.

After we get our huge blogger paychecks, we should totes go out for drinks to celebrate our mandatory MASSIVE book deals, which, as you know, all bloggers automatically get at the end of three months of writing.

You said you work at an 'hourly rate' motel - that rather limits the sort of sexworker you're going to see. An 'utr' sexworker survives and thrives on their ability to blend, and that means in both clothing, demeanor and mannerisms.

It might have been meant as a joke at the expense of khakis, but as one of the people

Listen, let me break this down for you.

Sexwork does NOT automatically equal street work. For every one street worker out there, there are 1001 women (and men) who work under the radar, doing incalls or appointment based outcalls. You'll never pick them out. Never. That's sort of the point - being an under the radar

You really think sexwork is just about street prostitution? How naive of you.

Sexworkers don't have a uniform. I've worked in leather, latex, sweats, shorts and a tshirt, jeans and about every other possible clothing combo you can think of. You could never, ever in a million years pick me out of a crowd as a

It's about time. As a proud former sexworker, I applaud this move to take our work out of the shadows. The Elizabeth Fry Society has ignored the fact that criminalization has created a climate of fear, where marginalized, non consensual sexworkers are afraid to come forward because their exploiters have told them that

Seriously, so many giggles at the idea of a blogging job that pays 'tons of money'...

Is that a condom stuck on Baby Jesus' head?

The original "Thug Life"...

She's mormon. No sex/abortions/marriage trumps all are pretty much the central tenets of her faith.

Also, she's a shit writer.

Basic reportage 101 says that if you make the central theme of your article the fact that something is 'controversial', you'd manage to dig up at least one or two pull quotes illustrating some of the aforementioned controversy.

I understand that Jezebel and Gawker are simply news aggregates, but the original