
It's a great ad. Great enough that almost EVERYONE seems to agree that it's great ad - everyone, including actual Indians in India.

The only quotes I can find are along the lines of this tweet by an Indian Member of Parliament, saying, "A dusky bride with a daughter in an ad? Well done @TanishqJewelry for breaking

Yes, but it's not the man's fault. As one of the wives wrote in an open letter to the 'ho' her husband was cheating with:

"his flesh is weak. Satan preys on him to distract and destroy and you are but one of many of the enemy’s tricks. Yes, TRICKS."

Satan - such a handy get out of jail free card!

I'm going to teach mine to carry a big-ass pair of ultra sharp dick chopping scissors with them at all times. Y'know, just in case.

Well, that anti Christ baby wasn't just going to birth itself...

Douchecanoe repellent: Like I needed a better reason to keep my head shaved.

My first crush was a red headed boy named Paul. We were in the fourth grade, and both of us came from pretty fucked up homes. Paul was obsessed with tennis, and I was obsessed with horses.

Paul and I would hang out together on the swingset, bickering. I would complain that Paul was never home because he was playing

WTF? Is that the binding for HFTK? Mine was in a tooled, gold lamé, leather-esque binding - quite spiffy, for such a shite book.

This binding is more what I'd envision for a special edition of "Furry Sex for Dummies".

Obviously our mommas raised us right.

Well, now I am worried about you. Eggers work is to engrossing what 'induced coma' is to 'party time'.

"A Hologram for the King" was the most mind numbingly boring piece of never ending drivel I've ever attempted to read. I got about twenty pages in, and then threw it at the wall.

Nice binding, though.

I've decided that the best way to determine the future longevity of the show is by how vomit-y it makes me feel. The more hurl inducing it is, the longer it will end up staying on the air.

I'm like the anti-Neilson's rating.