Manufacture a vehicle that is heavy enough that you can avoid some safety requirements since it is classified as a heavy duty truck and then act surprised when an insurer wants to insure it as a commercial vehicle.
Manufacture a vehicle that is heavy enough that you can avoid some safety requirements since it is classified as a heavy duty truck and then act surprised when an insurer wants to insure it as a commercial vehicle.
Couldn’t Tesla just insure them themselves? I mean, why not, if the build quality is as good as they claim? They shouldn’t have to make any payouts, being the car is built on sub-micron specs....
At first this seems hilarious but these are the types of assholes that would drive around with no insurance.
Normally I’d laugh, but now I’m worried that Cyberfail drivers will move here to Virginia so they can continue driving their sharp-edged monstrosities.
I think there may be a little hyperbole going on with McLaren claiming everything to be “new”. The Aerocell is a good example. I suspect that more aspects of the car are likely similar, but you don’t market your multi-million dollar toy by telling potential buyers that it’s just an incremental improvement of what…
We’ve reached the point that it feels like reading wiki entries for superhero cars. “McLaren-Man’s Justice Cruiser has 5000 horsepower courtesy of twin nuclear turbines, the quantum-polymer paint reduces air friction to almost zero, and the inertial dampening spoiler eliminates all turbulence once the car breaks the…
Some of it is interesting and innovative, all of it unobtanium for normal people. I’m sort of OK with that since it reduces the chances of a McLaren driver exceeding Rowan Atkinson’s insurance claim.
Another unusably fast, unobtainably expensive supercar that will almost exclusively be purchased by middle eastern oil barons and stored indefinitely with delivery miles in a sealed warehouse. The writeup/article is good and I don’t want to discount that, but man it is hard to care about new releases like this.
Nope. The cost of everything, including childcare, plus their commitments to their full time and part time jobs (so they can feed them) give them no time for procreation. Only slightly sarcastic. And people who actually believe in family planning tend to be more responsible regarding numbers and cost.
You’d be surprised at how many cars will fit 3 car seats. It might be tight, it might take some interesting tetris, but unless you have triplets, you probably dont have all 3 in huge infant seats. We managed 3 in a lexus NX, and even my bmw I3 for a very short time. Over a year in my old squarebody blazer (we had to…
Lies,he wants kids to die working in a coal mine not be driven around and cared for.
The paper starts off with this gem:
He and Trump aren’t even pretending that they don’t believe in the Great Replacement theory at this point.
you mean “the right kind of people”
If this is the case then that’s also crazy to me. You can have a couple year old minivan for less than a new Camry. So a car that can carry 3 kids (and their seats) is far from the highest costs of having 3 kids. Hell, childcare for the kids alone would surpass the cost of a car in less than a year. Average infant…
“American families aren’t having enough children.”
Ah, so he was trying to dogwhistle but accidentally foghorning even back then.
He wants kids to die in car accidents. He wants people to pump out extra kids to replace their killed ones. Its perfect logic if you are a repulican.
So he does or doesn’t want kids to have to be in car seats? I’m confused. Also, I hardly think that a car seat is even in the top 10 cost items people really think about when it comes to having kids.
civil rights we fought and died for surrendered for a hamburger’s taxi ride.
A blimp crashing is like the security guard in Austin Powers being run over by the steamroller. Srsly though, did the thing fly through a huge downdraft?