
There’s certainly some problems with Phos-Chek but I guess better than everything burning to a crisp. Note that it is actually not supposed to be dumped directly on the fire.  It is actually meant to create a fire line (a barrier to keep the fire from spreading). 

Lol absolutely. Not only do the current gen Porsches look fantastic, but literally the only manufacturer that clings more tightly to their historic design principles is Morgan. Some people are just noxiously nostalgic though.

It’s fucking crazy, right? 

This shit is so funny to say about Porsche lmao

Very good point that probably isn’t brought up often enough.  I know what I’m going to do before I do it.  I can only react to a self-drive system *after* it starts to fuck something up.

Still trusts self-driving software that almost got him killed, and would have if he didn’t stay alert, stay engaged, stay driving

he remained a “happy customer” and that he still trusts his Tesla’s “self-driving”

I would rather they PAY her for it lol she maintained that vehicle better than most, and she should be compensated for that. I don’t care that the car is going to a museum, I care that she’s not getting paid for it. 

That’s your non-Japanese upbringing not understanding Japanese culture.

I dunno, in this particular case, keeping a couple pristine original RX-7s around in Mazda’s collection is a worthy cause.

We should have pretty strict size restrictions on how big civilian vehicles can be. Trucks these days can’t even fit to established parking spaces. They block other vehicles’ sight lines on the road, they are unable to see pedestrians or other obstacles and hazards over their massive hoods, and their overcompensating

For a lot of people, Just having A PRICE is a feature. Haggling sucks. It just does. It adds anxiety and awfulness to a process that does not need it. And it justifies the need for car salesmen. Which are 100% unnecessary. Because we have the internet, we’ve already done the research.

Honestly, most of the dumbest stuff I’ve ever heard about cars comes from enthusiasts and is best summed up as “there’s only one way to enjoy cars, and that’s my way.”

I’m not sure I’m following the “dumbest thing that you heard someone say” about Saturn.

And a lot of people and press said the same back in the day when they were racing. I think you have to have more than a bit of a “me first at all costs” attitude and be supremely talented to win at the highest level of most anything, but the three mentioned all had their moments where many thought they crossed a line.

All of the best drivers were also the recipients of dominant cars. We’ve all see how much Verstappen’s driving abilities are worth when his car is no longer head and shoulders above the rest- suddenly, he’s a good driver but quite beatable and mostly a raging asshole.

Technically, you’re correct because there was no threat issued beforehand, but the 1990 title-deciding race at Suzuka was more blatant than any Max move. penalty. It was no-holds-barred in those days.

You aren’t going to believe this, but Senna and Schumacher were also insufferable assholes. 

I was a child when Senna was racing, that is true, but I have seen his racecraft and studied his legacy.

Senna was the first to really take F1 to a new level of win-at-all-costs and Schumacher proliferated that. Following in their footsteps is one of the reasons I didn’t like Vettel and I don’t like Verstappen.