If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire?
If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire?
That means he maxed it out at Walmart or lost it at Spearmint Rhino.
That means he grew up in a double-wide not a single.
The non-existent one the Simpsons live in.
I would’ve thought Vance would be celebrating all the childless cat ladies losing their companions.
Sure, “Springfield”. Which state?
Who hires the pilots.
He’s gone full on batshit crazy.
FYI, “thrusters” is inaccurate. They only had one thruster fail to ignite, and none shut down prematurely this time. Maybe this validates Boeing’s workaround to the overheating problem; maybe not. What’s interesting (and what your article failed to mention) is that this one is a different type of thruster than the…
They were awarded what they bid. That’s basically how it works in government contracting. It’s a lot like hiring a company to fix your roof or redo your kitchen; they put in a bid, and if you hire them, that’s how much they’re going to charge you for the work. If you get bids from two companies, you’ll get two…
“However, there’s no certainty over that now as questions swirl about Boeing’s ambitions for space flight going forwards.”
What’s interesting is that we (thruster designers) knew back in the late 1960's that high temperatures needed to be addressed in thruster design. How do I know? My company blew one up in a test stand while testing it’s performance, in part, for high temperature operation. This was after we had already took high…
Private Equity, not venture capital
Only private equity could figure out a way to burn through capital faster than if they treated Bugattis the way Top Gear treated Hiluxes
Exactly my point, I suspect the axel, I assume there is something similar in there, failed and the damage was cause rolling to a stop with the wheel flopping around.
In this case because the damage, the wheel and surround, is VERY localized it seems unlikely it was cause by collision with a vehicle. It almost looks like a suspension failure and the janky wheel caused the damage while they were coming to a stop. More interesting to me, at least, is who is fine with just tossing…
It’s still so weird to me that any time Musk’s stocks are tanking, he can just stumble on to Twitter and post some rambling thing about how they’re just about to reveal some kind of magical new tech that obviously will never happen and that just fixes everything. At what point will people with money realize this is a…
Asimo was first introduced in 2000 and was walking around in front of live audiences shortly after that. So Asimo was well-beyond Optimus much further back than 10 years.
So far we’ve seen this robot as a guy in a spandex suit, then an elaborate mechanical turk being puppeted by someone just off camera, and now locked away behind glass. But surely it’s not just more vaporware to pump Tesla stock price.
Sometimes exotic car manufacturers source parts other than lights from the most unlikely places. Take, for instance, the Bugatti Veyron’s grille: