
Or Somalia.

Because they have to actually understand the law to a decent degree to practice so they know it’s complete horseshit and a waste of valuable time and effort, and also a client that you know will not pay up isn’t worth the risk.

There’s always the Principality of Sealand. ;)

Promissory notes? Seals? Ribbons? Payment attempts like these sound like the US Government negotiating land purchases from the Iroquois.

LOL yeah it’s essentially a way for asshats to attempt to skirt the law.

Yep we had one come into our shop and try to pay with promissory notes with all sorts of seals and ribbons, he owned a furniture place and we said we would trade for some furniture but nope he wanted cash for that. 

This is pretty much spot on.  Also they have a habit of refusing to sign ANY legal document in anything but red ink, which where I live and maybe other places invalidates the document.

TL;DR? Let me make it simple. “I’m special and the rules don’t apply because I found a term that makes me sound special "

As someone commented on my post, the Valet Mode is likely engaged so really there’s very little risk when you add in the helmet and car seat.

That 3-year old has had better driver training than any high-school found between Atlanta and Santa Fe

Meanwhile in the US, 3-year olds play with much cheaper, much easier to purchase, and much more deadly toys. But to be fair they were not trained in their use, unlike this rich kid...

Ahh yes, get those internet points at the expense of the safety of your child....smh.

Per Australia example,

So uh, how do you suggest we just make over 300 millions guns magically disappear?

In countries in which it’s harder to obtain a weapon legally, it is harder to obtain a weapon illegally. This is a real blind spot in a lot of Amerians’ reasoning about gun control laws, which amounts to a claim that “there would be the same number of murders whether or not murder is illegal, because people who murder

Maybe, just maybe, if your country didn’t allow everyone - including this delusional kid - to wear a gun, shit like this wouldn’t happen. Without that gun on his hip, this probably ends with the kid getting some (well deserved) fines. Yeah, he was a fucking idiot, but that clearly isn’t yet a death penalty offence.

I have to disagree, the driver threatened the officers, then reached for a firearm that after the event was on the floor on the passenger side. the only way that gun moves from his holster to the floor is if he was pulling it from the holster so this was 100% a case where the force was justified. He intended to shoot

Excess violence?? You kidding me?? The guy tried to pull a gun on a bunch of police officers.

I hope they look into CPB, but I doubt it will happen. Every Customs station is run like its own little fiefdom and of course they behave like theirs is the only way to do anything and you’re a fool for believing its done differently anywhere else.

Bose is just a semi-premium brand logo that gets applied to car audio system. Bose will design to just about any price point according to the OEM’s spec. I’d assume the original spec for an expensive Porsche would have a decent audio system.