Hey now! Joe Torre has NOTHIN’ to do with those Rich Assholes! And you know Billy Crystal will kiss up to anyone who will get his face in the news...
Hey now! Joe Torre has NOTHIN’ to do with those Rich Assholes! And you know Billy Crystal will kiss up to anyone who will get his face in the news...
Wonderful picture! Rudy NoBrain Giuliani, Drumpf, Bloomberg, Slimy Bill Clinton, an extremely uncomfortable Joe Torre, post-chemo Billy Crystal, some airhead CEO type...
Let’s see.
As a class action lawyer who’s done lots of labor cases, I endorse your evaluation.
At Gawker, they would have identified each one of those smug arrogant asswipes by name before running the story. Step up your game.
Of course you don’t. Randian Libertarians are nothing if not dense. Google Dunning Kruger...
I was just thinking that myself. #Tiresome
Think for moment, you dumb Gen Xer. If Obama had not lost his majorities in the Senate AND the House, in his self-serving drive to get his personal self re-elected, would Drumpf had even a chance of being elected? Weak-ass liberals and Corporate Dems - like Hillary - are the ONLY reason we now have Trump!
You mean the Banker’s Whore Obama? Big Pharma’s Whore Obama? Military-Industrial Whore Obama? Silicon Valley Whore Obama? Which of those whoreare you?
And you are sadly uninformed. Take a look at who has had more Amendments enacted than every other senator over the past ten years. But Hillarites are not interested in facts, just in Bernie Bashing.
Whatever Krueger was on while she watched the debate - I want some! Must be better than X! My guess is she didn’t watch the thing at all, and wrote this wish-piece strictly from her twitter feed. “Dark Forces” indeed...
Obvs, Tommy Craggs had the most insightful cum entertaining contribution here. As ever.
Another MarchMan (Bad) Hot Take, as it turned out.
25 were fired today by G/O.
I hate these Long Goodbye requiem posts. They remind me of the final week of Gawker. But I also love them, because they remind me of Gawker, and its weird, wild, infurating, engaging articles and commenter community. It was the Place I always wanted to work at, even if I knew I’d have been miserable there. The perfect…
Dipshit post by some dude who clearly only saw this play on Sportscenter. Lowry SUBMARINED HIM! Almost broke his NECK! Then, STEPPED on him! And all BSimm did was try to get the sleazy dude off him. TOTAL BS post. Desperate for eyeballs?
Look at who owns Gizmodo now.
Bullshit post by an “editor” who ought to know better.