
Just this afternoon, Pelosi, Feinstein, Alyssa Milano and Susan Rice have said “It’s just Joe being Joe” or words to that effect.  I wonder just how many women he can get to excuse his creepiness?

No one will take that second bet...

You are being ratio’d by replies very badly. Give up.

Boy, this is a crap reply.  She “should be smarter”  and was “badly worded”...  What kind of BS is that?? Her tweet was “AIPAC” - how is that badly worded?  Dem Centrist much?

Gotta wonder why NO other Dems on that committee mentioned the fact that Abrams was convicted of LYING TO CONGRESS.  Seems like that woulda been kinda on point...

Yet another rant by a jealous writer who didn’t qualify to write for Gawker. Halsey was great last night, and much more adaptable to various roles than most hosts. And idiots who don’t kow who she is?  Are too lazy to use Google, and too obtuse to recognize talent. This post was a waste of my time.

Oh, Sophie. This pro-putin BS is SO beneath you. Do you ever even TRY to authenticate these rumors? Got ANY sources of your own? No? Don’t be so lazy.   This is the prototypical neo-journalism  that will F us all in the ass if it allowed to become what passes for journalism. Truly disappointing of you.

Check his Ratio. As delicious as a Grande Frappacino on a hot summer day..

This is actually a shame.  Ertel has about the best record you could hope for in a Republican, for expanding poll access and increasing registrations.  I'm guessing a real Redneck Republican outed him...

Did they have a "Certain Look?"

Only Orrin Hatch’s is still on Twitter.  Maybe he Died?  “Never!”

A Meetup group I hiked with used to hike in and around the Woodmont neighborhood on unpublished bridle trails. We were always welcomed onto the estate, and one year were invited inside for an improptu tour, where we got to meet Mother Divine. They were all very sweet people, and they were dressed in 30s-vintage finery

All the starzzz...

That is Pure LanCo PA. There's an entire FB page - People of Lancaster County - that is a daily feed of the locals shit as dumb as this or dumber. Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you just shake your head sadly. All that Stupid, in one little county here in PA.

Yes. And the hikes back to the Needles District show you something amazing at every turn.

Why isn’t this organization rated?

Ashley, you missed the best part. At the end, the barber (a well-known guy here in Norristown) had to ask Pence what his name was. This, after the Secret Service cleared the area a half hour early, and the barber opened the shop on his day off. Oopsie!

Code worked for me - took a $50 pair of boat shoes (regularly $100) down to $35. And they were offering free 2-day shipping too. Nice bonus. So, Thanks!

Code worked for me - took a $50 pair of boat shoes (regularly $100) down to $35. And they were offering free 2-day

That doesn't undercut the main argument: the Adverse Event rate for this miracle is higher than the occurrence rate of the disease it is intended to prevent. So go fuck off, ignoramus.