
And New Yorker, and New York Times, and WaPo...  I guess they really were watching after all - in secret.

So nice to see this website with none of those pesky autoplay ads!

Please get your nose out of her ass cheeks. Exactly what was “inappropriate”?  #LazyReporter #LizWarrenFangirl  #NotGawkerWorthy

An actual Gawker writer would have found out what the behavior entailed.  Sorry for your failure. I’m sure you can do PR somewhere.

Well, she didn’t seem to have a problem with Bill’s “cigar” habit, so this is not surprising. 

I knew someone would do it.  I expected it to be one of her former Gawker editors...

Thank you, Anna, and Good Luck!

Oooh!  A Letter!  That MUST have Trump shaking in his boots, I betcha!  What a Powerful Woman! 

So. No video of the legend himself?  The one your headline is about?  That’s some weak shit right there.

Dipshit answer, ignoring history. Bernie did FORTY-ONE rallies for Hillary - more than she personally for herself during the same time period. Look it up, Hillarite.

Krueger was All In for Hillz in 2016, when she worked for DNC-directed Talking Points Memo.  Remember the DNC Wikileaks emails where Neera Tanden said she would take care of TPM?  

Another dummy who does not know what gaslighting means.

You should have not replied.  See how that works?

^^^^ This.

Nothing but a Hillarite Shitpost. KK - you did the same shit in 2016. Did you even ASK them to show the real results? Did you even ASK why the names on that letter are THE SAME LEADERSHIP who voted in secret to endorse Warren? And overruled their popular vote? No. And that is why you never qualified to be Actual

Is no one at Jezebel, Splinter or Gizmodo going to cover the Google General Counsel story?  Afraid of Peter Thiel, still?

Sad that G/O media chose not to put this good work on the Gizmodo Twitter feed.

Gawker-level reporting.  Great work.

You must love being here in the Greys. Because that braindead post is guaranteeing your remaining here for several more years.

The Simpleton Voice is heard from.  Making a lot of money in Silicone Valley?  Where did you learn about Socialism?  The Breitbart Shitpost Report?