
My Gawd, the amount of wrong or incomplete information is astounding.

Yeah, unions are great. My uncle retired three years ago from a union shop. In the last decade he was there, his wages went up by 2.5% while union officials were buying $400k homes, sending their kids to private schools, and paying cash for high end European cars.

DaVinci Resolve is a incredible tool for color grading, but it’s editing features just are not robust enough IMO. Not to mention setting up the program is daunting.

Seeing as three members of my family have owned businesses only to have them ruined by unionization, good for Kentucky.

Maybe auto-correct took over?

So I still wonder why the push for electric vehicles when they are no more eco-friendly than a vehicle with a internal combustion engine. After you take into consideration the mining and processing of lithium, and the eco-cost involved with charging the vehicle, they’re no better than buying gasoline.

Because politics has done such a wondrous job over the last fifty or so years on dealing with poverty. #facepalm

To be fair - The Palace of Auburn Hills is almost closer to Flint, MI than downtown Detroit. And the place is a PITA for traffic - it takes almost as long to get out of their parking lot and on your way home as the time it took to watch the Pistons lose.

Agreed. I do the bulk (90%) of the cooking in our house - I rinse everything I use but seeing as I’m doing the cooking, I’m not always washing the dishes.

So this is something new? Because I’ve been doing this for the last 25 years.

Basically all the relevant information in this article is wrong.

According to a Clinton tax return, Bill and Hillary took a long-term capital loss carryover of nearly $700,000. Certainly not on the same scale as Trump’s, but a similar loophole. And I don’t begrudge her and Bill for taking that carryover - it’s in the tax code.

I’m sure he’s tired of being the bad guy for using the tax code as it’s written. Not to mention she may well have used the same tax rule. Truth as HC sees it versus truth as DT sees it - new daily fantasy sport soap opera.

Just playing devil’s advocate here - but doesn’t Jezebel have a on-going, ever up-to-date Keeping Up with Kontinuity Errors page?

So I’m confused. The overriding argument here is that it’s my fault I’m a white male who strives to make the most I can through my wages and other mechanisms to increase my wealth. What are you proposing I do as a white male - demand less wage than people of color doing the same work? Should I just give them some of

“To be a candidate, a person must disclose their tax returns."

The problem here is Art Briles worked for the wrong school. If he had been head coach at Notre Dame, he would still have a job and nothing to be vaguely sorta sorry but not sorry for. #LizzySeeburg

Or... Get your eyewear property adjusted by a qualified optician.

Proper technique is to come in with your shoulder and wrap up on the tackle. But a play like this happens very, very quickly. The defender came in leading with his shoulder - how your taught - but the receiver’s slight downward trajectory put his helmet in line with the tackle rather than his upper torso.

Couldn't embed the video from my phone (for whatever reason). But the video shows shoulder pad to helmet - tackler did as he was taught - put your shoulder into the tackle - unfortunately Hunter Jr's trajectory was downward and the tackler's was upward. Result was a shoulder to the helmet.