
Why teach kids anything? Just try to catch all the bad guys after the damage is done.

Also, this.

During Canada’s last Federal election, PM Stephen Harper and leader of the opposition Thomas Mulcair continually addressed or referred to Justin Trudeau as Justin rather than Mr. Trudeau.

In my experience this was the case before legalization to, and still is in most places where it’s illegal.

I’m a good driver! I’ve only been in one car wreck and have only been sued one time. Why should I have to keep my insurance, that was years ago and I haven’t had any wrecks since then, but I see people with crashed cars all the time! My premiums are paying for those!

I only run into problems with iTunes when syncing music by my iPhone. Duplicate songs in iTunes, ‘ghost’ songs on the phone, and once the phone deleted my carefully crafted playlists in iTunes because I deleted a playlist on the phone (WTF!?!).

You ain’t just whistling Dixie! I laugh when Apple fans say, “The reason Apple doesn’t have a larger market is because Microsoft has a strangle hold on it.” When the real fact is it’s because Apple Software sucks as bad maybe even worse than HP software. iTunes is the worst software ever. It surpassed even Windows

It’s an appropriate sentence. What’s wrong is that one mid-level patsy is taking the fall, and the conspirators higher up the ladder are getting away scot-free.

Just as a brief sidebar: the “no access to clinics and gym” bit is pretty standard. Our office is the same way, for insurance purposes. It sucks, but it’s the nature of the beast unfortunately.

I think you mean after they left office, not while they were in it, they’re not nearly as oblivious as Trump about those kinds of things.

You mean money for speaking engagement AFTER Clinton left office? Because that’s not what the issue is with Trump. He’s making money WHILE in office.

After, not while. It would have been a conflict of interest to take money for speaking engagements while president (let alone own a business), but afterward it’s okay (no executive decisions to be influenced) and what most present-day presidents do.

I asked a co-worker earlier why he would vote to increase his personal tax burden in exchange for cutting taxes on the top 10%. Literally said, “well one day, I hope to be in that tax bracket” and “you don’t want to kill innovation”. This, from a dude who is actually pretty capable, at least as far as managing people.

I wasn’t aware there is such a shortage of actual crime that the police have to create some to prove they are doing their job. Seriously, why do they have the ability to turn the cameras on and off? If they are on duty and are camera equipped, it should be recording every second, and I am fine with that also recording

The military industrial complex isn’t about the troops, or the military at large for that matter: it’s about the companies that profit from having a large military, the ones that make the vehicles, the weapons, and the bases....and we’ll need new bases if the existing ones flood.

Their support of the military industrial complex doesn’t extend to actually listening to anything the military industrial complex has to say, recommend or warn about. Their love of the Bible doesn’t extend to actually turning the other cheek. Their hatred of the ‘Wall Street fat cats’ doesn’t extend to actually doing

This whole article series has been excellent. Very interesting to see a salvage high performance car bought a low price and turned to a Pikes Peak race car and then becoming the faster Corvette ever up the mountain, with room for improvement still. Please do contribute more to Jalopnik.

Yeah, it took me about 7 hours to get off the first planet only to realize that there was less content on the next ones :-/

Good job the orange cocksplat is worried about covfefe and keeping muslims out of the US instead of doing something about our connected infrastructure. I mean the cyber is clearly nothing to worry about.

I used to work for PayPal and several other payment processors in the past, so I thought I’d stop and make a post about how chargebacks work through PayPal and other payment remitters. I haven’t worked in that industry in years, but from what I understand from old co-workers, it’s roughly the same policy-wise.