
I was like “This is sum bullshit here!”.... right up until he deployed hacked routers and malware in AT&T. He’s going to jail.

I thought “Glass Beads in Clams” was Gwyneth Paltrow’s natural health remedy for improving hormonal balance... 

If you ordered and received a product or service by voice command, I would expect Amazon would want to keep a “receipt” in case the transaction was disputed. Otherwise you could order something, delete the recording, dispute the credit charge, say “I didn’t ask for that!”, and Amazon would have nothing to say how the

Let me pull up one of my random Alexa transcripts:

Is there any legal means for them to stop it? For all the blustering, this is basically a few Representatives saying “this makes us uncomfortable, please don’t do it.”

The problem with Unions is they make people lazy as hell and takes way too much to fire someone. That’s my experience of being in three different unions in my life. The laziest assholes get paid the same as the hardest workers. Damn near impossible to fire anyone. I went non-union to actually work with not lazy

The article doesn’t mention two things I think are of interest:

Most people hold onto these for at least two years, like I did, so the real comparison that should be made in a review like this is from a Series 0, 1 or 2 to a Series 4. I came from a 2.

I saw one of the last hip shows live, and I suspect it was similar. You start at a funeral and end at a wake. Incredibly raw emotion for the whole show.

I was at the Leafs game the day of the Humboldt tragedy, and it was incredible to see the collective sadness transition into unbridled enthusiasm for the game. Very odd experience to see how one can lead to the other - hadn’t ever been at an event in person to feel it that way before.

Now playing

“some of which are pretty over-the-top”

My grandmother confronted a Skin head in the 90s. I was a kid and (then) mortified that my 5 foot nothing, red headed gram (Irish Catholic) told off a stranger minding his own business. (we’re Canadian). He got in her face and swore at her but she didn’t back down. He threatened to cut her. She laughed at him. I

What kills me with this is that it’s provable and agreed upon that humans had an effect on the ozone layer, requiring some changes in hopes to reverse those effects. And we did!!! Yet, despite this proof that what we do here fucks with shit up there, people are having a hard time wrangling up climate change as being

Please note: Australia does not have HOAs. In fact, most of the world does not have HOAs. We’re not that stupid.

My guess is that HOA’s for the super rich tend to not stand in the way. They probably charge him astronomical fees that the middle-class folk would scoff at, but he pays without even reading the bill.

If insurance didn’t pay when someone is an idiot, they would be paying 90% less in claims.

The entire event was so ridiculous. He doubled down we gave Iran billions of our own money again. He licked Putin’s butthole. He triple dog dared NK to attack Guam. He lied endlessly about breaking records and how much Congress has done. This guy, man. Fuck us all. COME ON MUELLER!!

Of course I have heard of supply and demand. I just think that it is insane that people would pay 60 grand plus for this car when for that price you can get a whole other class of car.

Not everyone’s a good TypeR.

Thought for sure I’d see more mentions of BitPay here in the comments. It’s like a debit card; FDIC-insured and useable anywhere Visa is accepted. You can alternately use a bitcoin ATM to cash out some of your BT.