
No HDR? sorry but that makes this TV expensive and a deal breaker, a few months ago i saw a deal fro an RCA 4k screen without HDR 39" for around $200 (not in USA) so to be honest, i don’t see how this amazon line is worthy.

You can use it with SteamVR. Valve has been making sure to not limit themselves to Vive and Oculus allows you to enable unknown sources. I’ve been tempted to get one because I love the controllers but I think I’m going to wait and see if HTC does something similar with a newer version of the Vive controllers. And

You can use it with SteamVR. Valve has been making sure to not limit themselves to Vive and Oculus allows you to

Single payer would be the way to go, but unfortunately we spend all our tax money on the military so we can’t adequately fund social programs like everyone else.

Instead of lowering insurance costs why don’t we work to lower MEDICAL costs? Isn’t that the whole reason we need all this insurance in the first place?

I keep telling people looking for new TVs to get one with good HDR instead of just focusing on the 4K feature. Seeing things in 4k vs 1080p can be a marginal improvement, HDR vs standard is often night and day.

I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.

The reason it actually wasn’t a killing field was because police trained in use of firearms showed up, not because a bunch of yahoos imitating a spaghetti western started spraying bullets everywhere.

Never sell your Mustang other than to upgrade to a newer Mustang. That’s the rule. :-)

Making America great again through convict leasing.

which law did they break? I hate apple but holding their funds offshore is totally legal. Maybe if we had a tax holiday or lowered the corporate taxes they would be encuraged to bring the money back here.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but if you’re going to say that about Apple, you literally have to make the argument about every other US multinational corporation. They all do this. I’m not defending it, but that’s how business works.

Most people can’t fathom the distance away this planet would orbit. A scientist created an illustration by going out into the desert and recreating the solar system using different size balls. The inner planets and the sun comprised a small area that was about the size of tennis court with the most outer planets being

Works insane amounts of hours for a long time and work your way up into a position of trust. Then keep working insane amounts of hours with no real vacations or time alone with your family. You might be sitting on a beach at a $10,000 a night resort with your family but you’ll spend the whole time on the phone or on

You get what you negotiate...not what you deserve. THAT’s how Corporate America GOOD FOR HER!!!

I’m pretty sure my account was sold on one of these sites, but I have two step authentication, so I got about 30 codes sent to my phone in a couple minutes, then the guy tried to change my password. Not sure why he thought that would work since it goes to my email account...which also has two step authentication.

I’m a veteran; I actually was in the Navy when the towers fell. I still clearly remember walking into the wardroom onboard my ship and asking what crazy movie everyone was watching, as I had just come off watch and found the entirety of the ship’s contingent of officers staring at the TV — Captain and XO included.

I like the part in which he says “and they totally understand and are entranced in a world that we know nothing about”.

I’m a stoner and I have zero problem with being excluded from transplants because of it. It’s a variable in the equation, it’s most likely an indicator of smoking, and it isn’t yet proven to be detrimental or beneficial in regard to transplants.

Now - to be clear - smoking marijuana isn’t exactly the healthiest thing you can do to your body. I’m all for legalization, but let’s not pretend that there’s nothing wrong with smoking weed, just as we don’t pretend that there’s nothing wrong with smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol. We do it because it makes us feel