
As a Canadian, let me get this straight...

I recently met with a guy that runs a similar facility in Las Vegas, as well as a couple in Europe. According to him, over the course of several years, he has never had an incident at any of his facilities. He went on to state that Speed Vegas is in the realm of a fly-by-night “criminal” operation, and is making the

Does Nintendo consider it messing up though? In the past, it was their tactic to intentionally short supply of their product to retailers. It kept the demand high and kept the retailers beholden to Nintendo and whatever strategy they had.

I find there are a lot fo times I’ve assumed Americans have the higher priced goods, but have learned we’re rather spoiled. MY favorite recent example is I have a friend here in town (San Antonio) that once made money buying xbox 360s new on The Texas side of the border, crossing into Laredo, and selling them for a

They need to learn a thing or two about stuffing government pork down contractor’s pants, over here we wouldn’t even get the land survey done for $272million. I was expecting the figures to be in the 2-3 billion dollar range, and over a ten year period too.

Engine: a Honda engine.

You keep the games you receive from games with gold once membership runs out, however, you won’t be able to pick up the next games with gold without the membership.

This thing was rushed out the door. They needed to release it before the end of the fiscal year.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Most civilized societies see health care as a human right. We should too.

Dreamcast had a huge underground following because it was the first console with easy to pirate and internet trade games. So Sega actually did fine on hardware sales but of course being infamous for piracy isn’t that great for getting games ported and published.

I actually had a Jaguar. It was clearly superior to the other consoles in graphics and speed but the game selection was pretty abysmal. I still have fond memories of Brutal Sports Football though. I seem to recall that part of the problem was that Atari was charging out the ying-yang for the developer kit. So not only

It’s probably somewhat to also do with the longstanding bad taste in South and Central America when it comes to secret US military teams launching rebel attacks against a regime.

Don’t forget, there is a massive overuse of antibiotics in cattle farming.

Well you should know that in international space, facebook wasn’t being considered as toxic as American seems to portray them. And they mostly treat their acquisition separately from the main product, whether it be Instagram, Whatsapp or in this case, Rift. Therefore I try not to put those into the same bag. Yeah

Global warming isn’t listed anywhere in the content of the article. Did you read the article?

It’s not The West Wing.

Literally nothing he has said since being elected hasn’t confirmed what we knew the whole time, that Donald Trump is a neophyte who has never actually done any hard thinking in his life, and whose only previous hard job was deciding which model he was going to hit on once he named them a winner.

It’s not 500% more in Australia, Tom. I don’t know the regular price of the 911R in Australia, but you forget that you come from land of cheap everything.

On one hand, why does he have that much weed? On the other, I just came back from Costco so I can appreciate buying in bulk.