
He (Gingrich) is awful.

The anti-Hillary crowd is cheering on Newt Gingrich and his solution to this problem!:

Well done on getting clean. Sadly there are probably another million people with pretty much the same story just in the US. Now these vultures wast to expand that.

I have smoked weed since I was 15 and never had an issue, but less than a year after taking oxy for the first time I was scoring dope in the streets. Been off that shit for 4 years but still get scared over what might have become of me.

Congratulations on your sobriety. My partner took prescribed opioids for about 4 months and it nearly wrecked our marriage (and plumbing) the personality changes and mood swings were hell. He luckily got surgery and was able to wean off. He says he’ll never take them again

Fuck this.

Fucking evil bastards haven’t killed enough people here?

I guess it depends on how they define operable. its currently not legal to drive like that so it would be easy to argue that it is not an operable vehicle.

Hey, hey look at us up north in Canada. Around the start of hockey season last year, we elected this guy. We’ve also spent countless hours this year eating kraft dinner and working on climate change policies that will make us a global leader. We do more than live in igloos. Start paying attention to us in 2017 and I’m

Yes, but the entire US goverenment (with a single exception) decided that Iran will automatically be evil for atleast the next 10 years, and nothing Iran does in those 10 years will change that.

I agree. But if we got educated in the senate we might need to take responsibility for our actions.

The Iran Sanctions Act was originally passed in 1996 (initially as the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act); it’s been extended for 3 5-year periods and then was going to expire at the end of this year unless the House+Senate+President did something. This legislation (H.R. 6297, Iran Sanctions Extension Act) extends the

Why, don’t you want more than one car show?

This has been going on since BAE sold the place at the turn of the century. Top Gear probably put a spanner in the works years ago but the council has always wanted to build on it. The issue is that Dunsfold sits in Surrey, which is mostly green belt land (for Americans that means its zoned so you can’t build anything

It is trickier in the United States. The United States has a huge healthcare system, much of which lies in non-government operations (privately or publicly traded service providers, including insurance companies). Our capitalism-based society is the reason Obama couldn’t implement the “one provider” solution (thank

That is sooo messed up. I’m Canadian so I don’t really have anything substantial to add.

Smartwatches aren’t worthless to everyone. There will always be nerds—giz readers and staff fall into this category!—who will love their smartwatches and diligently charge them and get great use out of them. The trouble is that the numbers don’t lie: Android Wear doesn’t sell, Apple Watch doesn’t sell in a meaningful

Getting rear ended by a distracted driver or getting hit by a truck knows no age. These same young and healthy people would be complaining of having to undergo bankruptcy and getting their credit destroyed when they have to pay 100k for a week’s stay at the hospital.

If Congress really wanted to help the economy, investing in a new train infrastructure would be an amazingly good use of tax dollars. It would create an insane amount of jobs, and could potentially lower the cost of goods, while benefiting the environment.

No, people aren’t buying EV’S because batteries fucking suck. People won’t start buying them until they can be recharged in 5 minutes and there are universal supercharging stations at every gas station.