
FitBit didn’t buy the company. It bought some company assets. Why are people so pissed at FitBit?

No. Micro-Machines were amazing. Get out.

I totally got one of these things for Christmas as a kid. It was cool as hell, but folding it back up was a bit tricky.

It seems more difficult whenever a player gets knocked out whenever it’s a clean play like this appeared to be, compared to a clearly dirty hit. There isn’t a villain that you can heap blame onto, or an easy narrative to rely on.

Cite something, anything.

Sorry, this is a post-facts society, take your reasonable responses back to The People’s Republic of Canada!

Lots of hard working volunteers serve in the Empire’s glorious peacekeeping forces! They have families and worlds to protect!

This is the society we keep opting for. The society we keep promoting through our choice of elected officials.

Then again, just because the listed images aren’t in light with the message does not mean that the world isn’t going down the shitter...

Yep, the Queen is still the head of our government. And since the Governor General is her direct representative, I like to think that she’s our Commander-in-Chief as well because I imagine her leading us into many bloody and heroic battles and it makes me chuckle. Her face is on the quarter and the $20 bill.

He was terrible on human rights, but not more terrible than Bautista and it probably took someone like Castro to over throw him. (Dear American Fuckwits— this is what choosing the lesser of two evils looks like.)

There are for sale in Canada for $129 CAD at BestBuy in Canada, which when converted is $95 US, so a much better deal! Just need to make friends with a Canadian!

There are for sale in Canada for $129 CAD at BestBuy in Canada, which when converted is $95 US, so a much better

It was such a violent outburst. People need to understand that cheapo devices are just what they are: Cheapos. You tune up an old Opel to handle race car -grade forces and you end up having bad time.

If you want a higher power device, just buy a higher power device. Don’t screw around with the electronics.

This is terrifying. But like so much else today, the comments on this story in my local paper are even more disheartening. They blame the boy, his parents and our society. They blame society for “wimping out” and saying the only reason this is happening is the boy who died was the son of a legislator. The discourse in

I think that he meant “known at the time it happened”. Before the late 1700s, it wasn’t generally acknowledged that any species had ever become extinct. God wouldn’t have allowed that to happen. If they weren’t found around here any longer, they were probably still holding on somewhere over the horizon. The

I’m surprised the airlines haven’t concocted a way to buy land all over and declare it sovereign territory and charge exorbitant fees to themselves for flying over and then passing this on to the consumer as a regulatory fee.

Whenever I read a story like this, I'm always saddened by the pointlessness of war and the loss of human life. These stories demonstrate that we are capable of behaving humanely to each other, yet it only seems to happen briefly.