
My 3ds works flawlessly off my Sasktel iPhone 4.

+1 to you.

Square lost $100,000,000.00 doing a CGI Movie. I dont see Acti-Blizz attempting this anytime soon..

Black Ops is pretty good in 3d, GT5 too.

Im the only one I know today that acutally uses Cash, for pretty much everything.

"Sony HMZ T1"

My wife's new addiction.

its cool because they get to use it for gaming.

Thanks for the heads up. DL'ing NOW.

"Side note... remember when we considered Jerry O'connell fat in this movie? Looks downright average for a kid now."

THe Demo expired? Wow, thats very shitty of them.

A friend of mine won $1000/week, for 25 years, (in Canada that is TAX FREE MONEY).

walking down the street with one, ya, wtf. On the Ski Hill, snowmobiling, hunting etc etc. great little device, if you care to risk your Iphone.

I finished the main quest line in Skyrim yesterday, close to 50 hours in..

"because some criminal was too stupid or high to be a functioning member of society".

If someone (assumidly bigger and stronger than me, or carrying a gun/knife), broke into our house I would lock myself in a room, let them do their thing, and call the cops. It's pretty much our only (safest) option, everything I own I can rebuy.

"A central Alberta farmer who shot a man stealing his ATV more than two years ago will serve 90 days in jail.

If we started putting these fucking perps away for 20+ years then maybe people will think twice about break and enters (or totdays more PC phrase, Home Invasion).

"The 2D games are, in my opinion, the best of the bunch so far."

If they never disposed of a body chemically then it isn't Breaking Bad, just some fucknut cooking meth.