free marketing?
free marketing?
There I am, climbing high atop a mountain, and the next thing I know a Dragon swooshes in from over head.
You can "see" what a better TV does. A lot of people cant hear the difference high end audio equipment make.
"and you soon pas on to better things". according to the article, thats what people arnt doing.
Maybe next time they talk about a game being in the number three spot player on most used console they wont mention the two games that are above it. Who really cares anyways, its not like thats relative to the context of the article...
Sure the show may have taken a major hit in quality over the years (I actually am enjoying this seaon for the fisrt time in a LONG time). Though that doesnt mean the game will suffer the same fait.
South Park + Video Game = Money.
"At the event, I did get assurances that they plan to support the game post-release with maps and other DLC, and that none of those updates will cost players a cent. Sounds pretty good to me."
It was actually quite funny. It was about 5am, and my buddy dies, I look over (we had two tv's side by side), and he's sleeping sitting up.
Fuck me.
I lost 3 hours of gameplay, and another 3+ hours running around in the game trying to unbecome a vampire... (returning to town on a quest I got attacked by the town, having at first no real idea why).
"So how about the fact that you can't use keyboard chat when you're using controller hm?"
I made the choice to play this version on the 360, the GOTY release I will get on steam next holiday season.
only played about 10 hours of the PC version, had zero issues. Most of the 10 hours were played co-op online
"oh and btw - you wouldn't see the diff between 720p and 1080p on a 40" set unless you sit 6" from it."
It's not a RAM or HDD thing. I like Steam and are very comfortable with them. I have 130 game on steam, then, like most that posted a few Blizzard games and a couple other MMO's some purchased digitally (before I used steam I had used D2D a few times, and had a horrible experiance), and a couple retail (very, very…
The differnce is another program i need to install that I dont want to. Another online store I need to give all my personal info and Visa info to. Plus I can get 97% of what I want from Steam.
So i just decided to look at Origins Black Friday Deals. Not bad. Though it got me thinking. I pretty much refuse to use another online DD service other than Steam. (I'm a fan of steam, not obsessed with Valve.)
No, why? because it is all you will be playin for the next three months. To much content :)
Metal Gear was one, not any more. Some would say Uncharted. Sony does have a their exclusives.