
@psypoto: I admitted to Pirating a game, when really I can't remeber what the last game I pirated was (Spore maybe?, though I do have a retail copy of it somewhere, purchased after the fact)...

@Hey_Blinkon: Bioware doesn't rush. Well, other than rush to get as much DLC out the door as they can...

@bonghammer: AoC wasnt a "bad" game, just wasn't a finished game when released...

@Krumm: Same here..Can't Star Wars or FF XIV just get released already so I have no temptation to reactivate my lvl 80 Conq.

@cfive3: No, no it is not.When people usually talk 3D it is either polarized glasses, or red/blue glasses...Stereoscopic 3D is completely different.

Already play it in 3D on the PC with Nvidia 3D vision, one the few games to truely utilized it. I would highly recommend it to anyone who just got into stereoscopic 3d gaming...

@Richard Nixon: So true, and a broken online (imho), to boot.

I will not get an iPhone when they go on sale here in the summer (Canada, [provider, Sasktel]), and get a Win 7 phone if I can play All My XBLA games with it.

@UrbanKnight: After 8 hours its a little bit more complex and involved than Just spam A...

@dowingba: Do you really have to ask...

@awesomenessticitation: So as being a 360, PS3, gaming PC and Wii owner, who chosed to purchase it for the 360, what I am missing? other than not haveing to get off my ass 3 times in a 25+ hour game?

Nope, I will buy it in three months for no more than$30.00.. There will be many a used for sale.

I agree with this Rockband, if we were still in the 90's (or maybe early 00's).

@Koda89: I would HATE to be in the PAL area... Really, you guys get screwed, consistantly... Compared to that region I have Nothing to Bitch about..

@kathartik: Im on Sasktel (guess where I live..), I dl'ed well over 300 gigs in December (found Steam), in January I had to redownload everything again, and last month I did it a third time for my new Laptop...

Wow, My Canadian ISP had this litterly a decade ago... When my 'unlimited internet' was capped at 25 gigs...