
@Kamix: Though, I did purchase 3 addition six -axis's at launch. As well as 2 dual shock 3's when released, and now this..

@Legaldeath187: Didn't Kotaku post with the Cam it will be $99..

@spannu: I have friends. they come over and play... therefor, like many, I require 4 of these... $99 for the one with the cam, then what? $75 for each other one?

Ok, so lets get this straight. Sony move is going to have a Ton of 'party games'. Each requiring every player to have a Move..So now I need 4 of these controllers at $99 a pop.. (whats the price without the cam?).. Or 1 natal... hmm..As much as I like innovation etc etc., theres no way in hell im dropping another

@tjfraz1: I still use my 360 for 90% of my console gaming... but the PS3 has some amazing, imho well worth it, exlcusives... plus it is the BEST media centre i have ever had...

@uppitycracker: Im sure most of the people that visit this site would think the same...

@Harmonixer: I own all three as well. In the end I too went with the 360 version. Though I like to say it is because I prefer its controller and for a 25+ hour game that matters..

@TheTonyShow: Having gotten halfway through Dragons Age, played ME 1, not 2 yet, and FFXIII, I would say that there is enought of a difference in the three games that you wont be turned off of any of them.

@ubikblack: I ended up picking it up for the 360. Played for 3-4 hours last night. I have no complaints sofar... Load times seem rather quick, and the cut scenes look beautiful.

Ok, for someone who has never played Empire: Total War, would you recommend that first, or just start with Napoleon: Total War?

@Tenshigure: The switch to the intel chpset finally got me to pick up a Macbook.

@electroshockwave: Somewhere in Arizona (closer to Phoenix). If you seriously want to know i can find out... Some friends went there a couple months ago... while on Vacation...

@ExistentialEgg: America was the land where exiles came. It was FOUNDED by WHITE people fleeing prosecution from other countries.

@Kovitlac: I did what others did...