
@dnadns: And that is what I am assuming.

@jsocontrer01: This summer while camping at a RV lake site I actually pulled out my board I havent ridden since the late 90's/maybe early 01/02.

@JayUnreal, Go ahead, swim for it.: Lucky sheait. I 'misplaced' mine about 8 months ago.. Almost bought a go, then a 3000 model... instead bought a laptop... With Lunar (my favourite game ever), out/soon to be out, I have been looking all over the house for it...

@DarkSolstice: Only played for about 30 min last night, single player. Thought it was beautiful. Cant wait to play more of this weekend..

@radink: Arcade style, or sim?

@mr.snrub: My wife and I are looking at purchasing our second house this weekend... If we do I will need 3 of these made, asap...

@Cerberus Actual: Im still up in the air as well. I dont care at all about Trophies, and I really dont care that much about achievements, though, I will conceed that they can add replayability to it, imho.

@gojikan: That sounds quite fantastic.. actually...

@flawless_martyr: I don't know what I remeber more Vividly... Playing Halo CE for 8 hours straigt, or the music..

@gojikan: Well, I may be going to Sweden too, in July..

@Jack McCauley: They were a "terrorest group" before the Americans ever heard the term, ok maybe not that long, but well before 9/11.

@Killer Toilet: I didnt play the multiplayer for 3, so I will conceed that. Though, imho, i still stand by the fact that the single player campaign was butchered.

@ttocs: You sir, are correct. I will, no, I HAVE to purchase this...

@Killer Toilet: I have to agree with you on everything but...

@Michael Dukakis: Amazing, Amazing Movie. Actually it was the first DVD I owned... you actually have to flip the disk over half way through...

@Nahir: When I was back in my Dorm Days (first year was release of the Dreamcast), we, for the most part, only played sports games.. Alot of NHL 2K and NFL 2K... oh, and Shenmue.

@QuBix: No, this is not why Bungie Left Microsoft at all.