
Gosh, I didn’t realize Elon Musk also invented the Star Trek transporter! I mean clearly, since it is a sealed tube, the only way to get people into it is to zap them right on in there… LOL! In case you didn’t catch that: even though it’s a sealed tube you have to have openings to let human bodies in and out.

Gosh it’s almost like buried bodies in sealed coffins don’t float up out of the ground......

They did say she’s a problem solver! XD

I think you replied directly to the author of the article and not the snarky commenter up top.

If you want to go back to the office, those of us that want to stay remote won't stop you, but do not drag the rest of us along back to the office.

Remember those halcyon days of late 2020 when everyone thought we’d never go back to an office again? Like these giant corporations would just let these multimillion dollar office buildings languish in the sun until nature overcame them, as we all basked in the glory of remote working? Those were the days...

I’ve enjoyed this resurgence of the atmospheric side scroller. I loved stuff like Flashback and Oddworld, so it’s nice seeing stuff like Playdead’s games, Little Nightmares, and Lone Sails continuing that tradition. These are such an easy purchase for me.


No, Bush was not Hitler. He was a useful idiot.

Really? What a bunch of absolute snowflakes. This is the hill they want to die on? Getting vaccinated.

Also Sam’s dressed like a Boy Scout, Liam like the Uncharted guy.

“It’s no more work if you start your campaign with new POC players that fit the world from which it is taking inspiration.”

Are you suggesting they should swap out the original cast members who founded the “franchise” for the sake of including POC? That seems like the worst kind of tokenism to me.

There were already 7

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

Sexism is when you throw everything away for a man, whereas intersectional feminism is when you throw everything away for someone who isn’t a man.

Yeah isn’t it fun how Kotaku’s side hustle is just bashing NFTs multiple times a day? Like jesus christ guys, buying diamonds and wearing them on your finger is dumb and harmful to the planet, should Kotaku cover that? It’s just overpriced art with value we all ascribe to it after all.

The biggest problem with NFT’s in video games (and there are many) is that once you admit your game’s digital data has real world value, you are boxing yourself into a corner.

The Kindle edition, or else she’s going to get some really weird looks on the bus

Right, but there are things to be righteously pissed about, and then there are things like NFT’s, which probably shouldn’t garner the same response as Roe v Wade being overturned. If everything invokes the highest possible reaction, then it stops being the highest reaction and becomes the norm. The majority of us

Why? It’ll all be worth it for their exposes on Beef Queef!

Asian people are still POC. It’s not the complete picture, but I think we can come to some nuance for ourselves. Whoopi’s own perspective as a Black women doesn’t negate that at one time it was hard being a new Irish or Italian immigrant in America, but eventually white supremacy embraced them and POC just never get