
Why isn’t it circumstantial? Isn’t there more than one way to get someone’s DNA on something? Legitimately asking, because fingerprints are circumstantial and google suggests DNA is as well.

One of the stronger theories I think is that Colburn came across her car abandoned on the road two days prior and had it moved to Avery’s property. Whether or not the body was in the trunk or if they found her remains in the quarry nearby and moved them to the firepit, either could have happened.

I also think her

The sweat thing as a smoking gun struck me as a little odd— Didn’t cops essentially have unadulterated access to Avery’s home for WEEKS? Couldn’t someone easily grab a dirty shirt from the floor and rub it on some things to get sweat based DNA onto them? Or is that impossible?

I hate that final shoot- it totally undercuts the moment by dropping in what looks like GoPro footage.

Right, its enjoyable, but a lot of stuff is overly telegraphed when it didn’t need to be. FA is a lot of fun but not above critique.

ClucksterTruck would be the best of both worlds, I think.

Really enjoyed it, but the pace was way too fast. Characters never got a moment to breath, let alone MOURN properly.

Big events just seem to be glossed over, I assume so they could be revisited/revealed later, but why do we need to do that?

I wonder if we would have been better off having one movie showing Luke

I can’t look away.

Hey, don’t lump us in with this dude!

That poor driver is like “whaa——-argggg!!!”

Maybe I didn’t pay enough attention to the last movie, but didn’t it end with a flashforward showing everyone is fine in 2015? So then how is this world ending scenario happening in the ‘70s supposed to have any weight?

Tyson Fury is a pretty good gay porn star name.

31 for me.
30 felt cool. 31 feels... “uh oh.”

Even if he’s not a secret liberal, I wouldn’t put it past him (when he loses) to announce that this was part of his plan all along and he fooled everyone and was just running to help the democrats. He is physically incapable of self reflection or admitting he was wrong.

“People who study Sun Tzu have called my

Christ, the reaction it has to those squares. I didn’t think it had the ability to be scary looking but I stand corrected.

Now I KNOW that biker shop had patrons who were packing. Any “good guys with a gun” step up?

I imagine under that robe he looks remarkably similar to this:

Oh cool, good to know.

I can’t believe how stingy Naughty Dog is being with a story trailer for UC4. The clip was neat but seriously I would not mind a tasteful story trailer that A) set the stage and B) showed a new area!

Seeing as how phones can do rudamentary AR right now, I wonder if it will be that much more than a VR headset?