
Oh. My. God. The letter O was present at all those events! Russia attacking geOrgia! Both jOe biden and his sOn! Right in the middle of the twin tOwers! It all fits!

Sigh, I love these alternatives to the fitbit but now that I’m in the fitbit ecosystem its hard to swap to anything else... and I did wear two watches for a while but that was awkward. Is there any way to get the step counter/HR to sync with the fitbit app? 

Across the street from my first full time job at the edge of Toronto’s chinatown was a hole-in-the-wall pho place that always played vietnamese versions of christmas pop music all year long. They had the best “special beef pho”.... thick (for pho) slabs of soft meat, cooked in the hot soup upon serving, flavorful and

I’m with you on this... I hate to do it but sometimes you have to and I hear myself reading my credit card number, 3 digits on the back etc over the phone and cringe. Really? This is to some complete random stranger that could also be writing it down for later... and anyone within 10 feet that’s paying attention (even

I was with you for about 1/2 the game when it finally clicked. Unfortunately I think it still really encourages playing a certain way but its much less random than before. Essentially the idea is to attach bonuses to nearly guarantee silenced critical hits from above and ration out your attack abilities (double attack

This is interesting because white text on black background actually gives me extreme eyestrain, to the point where I start seeing black and white bars on everything after reading for a few minutes) 

Don’t you need to have a cell phone with RFID and a data plan running Amazon’s app though? (I haven’t been to one of these stores yet)... not sure how many people would meet the technological requirements yet insist on paying cash only. 

I guess our opinions differ... I had it a few times and the sandwiches were just super bland. I don’t know why? They certainly looked fancy but were disappointingly bland to me when eaten. 

Its because their only claim to fame was toasted sandwiches, then subway started doing that and was a lot cheaper. RIP Quiznos. 

Yea I’m 99% sure he edited his post because initially it was written as if Cognizant was just allocating Facebook’s money like a middleman... what he has written now makes a lot more sense.

What? This is not how contracted firms work... at all. Company A sends out a request for a service, Company B, C, and D send in quotes. Company A picks one. That company then pays what they feel is appropriate to make sure the job gets done and pockets the rest.

The saddest part is... as they’re adults, they were probably all vaccinated themselves. Now they’re just putting their children at risk. 

Hmmmm Costco does their own crusts from dough and they have the little wheel thing (looks like a pizza cutter but with a different edge) with spikes to perforate it. Its not that hard. The little holes are to prevent big bubbles from forming in the crust.

OMG the dog gif about 1/2 way down in response...

Are you a billionaire? Then you should learn how marginal taxes work.

Enh. Old unhealthy people have random sores and dry patches of skin. I usually see face and hands but his face is probably 90% make-up at this point. 

Is ublock better than adblock plus now? Sometimes on the giz sites you’ll see adp spin up hundreds of blocks, I’m guessing there’s some kind of anti-blocking software running that’s trying to spam adblock. It tends to lock the page up for a while. 

I think its simpler than that. When children are put on the spot they’ll throw out some easily disproven lie... IE Bart Simpson’s “I didn’t do it”.... but eventually everyone has that bite them in the ass and they learn that they shouldn’t lie and the consequences of getting caught. Trump is an example of a human that

Its actually also super convenient, especially if someone gifts you something from Costco. We had to return an unopened gift and it turns out they bought it a year ago, in another country, with no receipt... and Costco was able to find the purchase by looking up the account and give us a refund.

It cancels out though, doesn’t it? If you look at all companies in aggregate, One company might pay for the employed kid at 2nd company but that 2nd company probably pays for the employed kid at a 3rd company and so on. In the end, each person has insurance paid for by someone its just shuffled around.