
Oh damn, thanks for reminding me! I do remember someone taking me there once and it was pretty tasty but I completely forgot the name until you just reminded me. I think I went to the location on armitage, are they the same owners/food?

I haven’t had in-n-out but that’s part of the appeal isn’t it? Its good and its like $6... so yea, obviously you can get a better burger for twice as much. 

Got some suggestions? I keep seeing people recommend some but they’re always like $15 burgers.

Don’t people use pebbles to make rice crispy treats too? I feel like as a cereal with a secondary use that might be the biggest reason its managed to hang on compared to everything else. 

Does the grill need to be open so they don’t bake? or is there more technique to it than this? I tried grilling watermelon *once* and it became a floppy wilted mushy mess with no char instead of this pretty delicious picture. I grilled with the lid closed and flipped once on direct heat.

I went to look at the bottle since its a VERY vinegary dressing and you’re right, its like the 5th ingredient but that’s also just above salt so I’m not sure there’s that much in it. I will say that we have used this a lot both on the grill and in the oven and its come out perfectly each time (assuming you don’t

Yea I sense a bit of frustration in what he started writing... they were fact based statements about the game submissions that AEG has received and that he wished the submissions could simply be better (or more appropriate to what AEG publishes)... then he veered off the path with generalizations on the “why” which he

Star Trek reference, race of pure greedy capitalists with “Laws of Aquisition” that’s male dominated. In the show, they refer to “females” with a specific sneering way of speaking. 

The best thing to use the Olive Garden salad dressing for is to marinade chicken before grilling... just amazing. 

For Canadians, Harveys still makes fried apple pies, I bet they’re exactly the same as the old McDonalds ones too (they look identical)

In cantonese Chop Suey roughly translates as “Miscellaneous” or “this and that” (Food and Wine magazine says “Miscellaneous Leftovers” but the leftovers part isn’t inherent in the word)

If that’s what your pee looks like, you need to drink A LOT more water. 

Are you using all the coupons? Its ridiculously cheap... like.... $12 for a large if you pick up.... or maybe regular pizzas are super expensive here since its usually like $30

Usually stabilized with sugar and a few other ingredients but yes, primarily just whipped cream. My favorite too but I have a problem with longevity usually. Its great the first day but by the 2nd or 3rd the color goes off and it starts getting rubbery or melty. 

I’ve been ordering this more than I care to admit at one of the loop Potbellys but it always defaults to Swiss cheese in the app for me... not sure why yours is showing up as Provolone. 

I always get excited each time I rediscover that you guys are out of Chicago so its all actually relevant for me! When I was in WI they had some knock-off Chicago style pizza that was basically regular pizza with no sauce, then sausage and tomato chunks on top. It gives the same flavor profile that you describe with

Or they’ve only ever had terrible $1 frozen pizza and assume that’s it. Like my friend that says all chinese food is “just chicken”.

Welp, now I can’t unsee that. 

No, then suggest you tip 30%

That’s sometimes true, it depends on the airport. Some airports charge minimal or no rent and instead get a cut of the sales to balance some of it out because they consider the concessions a service to the passengers. The bigger issue is that airside concessions need to have all of their food brought through security