
Thanks for your well thought out response... I admit that I’m putting this in the framework of a healthy economy, however in your example you’re essentially describing hyperinflation (see below). This definition from investopedia agrees with the opinion that currency is fundamentally correlated with the GDP of a

Out of curiosity, can you expand a tad on this? IE did they not stop for gas or food either? Was everything packed? It seems pretty crazy to me as well, just curious about the logistics.

I know, I took economics 101 too. The thing is, once a currency is adopted by a country, it represents a small slice of the entire economic output of that country. To agree with you, yes its an IOU by a country but that country has an actual value, whether that be land or goods or production or labor.

Yea... its only been 6 years. When you’re talking about an economy or a currency, that’s nothing. To refer back to my original post, Beanie Babies were introduced in 1993 and didn’t start to die out as a fad until around 1999, that’s also 6 years.

That’s the thing... its only “wealth” because currently people assign it a value but it has no internationally recognized value nor an inherent value in itself. Its no different than the beanie baby economy (except beanie babies have a bottom value equivalent to a tiny stuffed animal).

Unfortunately the magnetic north pole is firmly in Canada... BEWARE!

GASP! I didn’t think of that! Its only a matter of time before Santa Claus gets his due. Undocumented immigrant leaving mysterious packages everywhere? Won’t someone think of the children and shoot down Santa?!

You mean Kushner’s mail server vs Hillary’s fe-mail server. *Rimshot*

Interesting... orange colored animal, makes loud ineffectual noises, picks fights with others, full of toxins and is obviously terrible at mating yet somehow seems to reproduce?

Its going to be pretty hard to change all the signs from “Detroit” to “Amazonia”. I don’t think Bezos is going to want to spend the money.

Note, America is huge. Pewresearch also confirms your absolute numbers but notes that its very small as a percentage and ranks it 20th worldwide.

What you’re saying is true except that its just more efficient in general to produce at large scale and distribute. Also its easier to control emissions from a single source (power plant) instead of thousands of individual sources.

I think they mean he spent $10 to convert a textbook to digital format... the programming required to make it “interactive” I guess. I’m not sure which textbook it is but I bet its not just converting pages of text into the app.

I’ll throw out there a big reason why strangers shy away from using someone else’s trackball... the fact that you basically have to rest your whole palm on someone else’s peripheral... gross hand sweat and sticky spots and everything.

yea... I’m not sure I’ve gone 12 hours without a recharge I think by 8 hours its pretty low. OTOH I’ve actually never had a phone last even that long based on my usage patterns (usually the days I don’t recharge its because I’m taking a lot of photos for work or playing several hours of games during commute)

I’m just going to note that I really miss the camera shoot-outs that used to be done. I need some self affirmation for my Pixel!

You understand the point of the article is that they used the honey oil and then the law about drug use and weapons as an excuse to seize his weapons and arrest him right?

Couldn’t have said it better. Without even getting into issues with size, mix, affordability etc, there’s the whole surrounding infrastructure to take into consideration.

Golden eagles prey on pigs and foxes. More pigs (food) equals more eagles. More eagles mean more pigs and more foxes get eaten however the fox population isn’t increasing as quickly as pigs or eagles therefore fewer foxes over time.

Ha good point... really though, I believe that your immediate family will be fine if thats your routine... the biggest thing that would scare me is that it puts a lot of liability on you if you have a guest over that doesn’t know your other exits or has a key.