
So when there’s a fire in the middle of the night and you wake up and the room is filled with smoke and heat, you’re 100% guaranteed that you’re going to remember to grab the keys from wherever you left it?

I think we just witnessed an example of brainwashing right there... Where people don’t know to install or use programs unless it specifically shows up on the official “app store” of that platform.

This is horrifyingly stupid. There’s a reason why its illegal to do this on locks in any public building, because if there’s a need for someone to get out RIGHT NOW they don’t die because they didn’t happen to have the key on them.

This looks great but there’s always one nit I have to pick... why is the grass so short? Is there someone out there mowing uninhabited planets?

I was walking through the city one dark night, minding my own business, thinking about the great history of this place and the ghosts of the past, when a genie appeared before me and said “You have been a kind and selfless man, and for that I will grant you two wishes!” I said “I love the history of this place so much

Or to save almost $9, use a large binder clip!

Or to save almost $9, use a large binder clip!

Enh, its hard to tell until you hear what extremely racist accent they have.

Caveat to that... I think this came up on the skillet discussions a while ago when pizza hut did the unlimited toppings deals. A guy that worked there said it was a bad idea beacause too much stuff on top messes up with the baking times so you get either a soggy not-fully-cooked pizza or something that’s overcooked on

Enh, I’m going to side with Musk here. Reading between the lines on how things were phrased, he was testing the hypothesis that she “really was critical” to Space-X, ergo she claimed that she deserved the “significant” raise for being critical to Space-X.

Its all fun and games until the miniguns are pointed at YOU.

So umm maybe I just haven’t been paying attention before this, but is it.... normal... to still have rallies constantly? Maybe previous presidencies have had them but I can’t think of hearing about any after the election was over.

This is a pretty good breakdown of where that came from:

I hope he at least planted a knife on the truck so that he could claim it was self defense.

Ticket to ride europe is listed as $2 off, is that really a worthy deal?

Ticket to ride europe is listed as $2 off, is that really a worthy deal?

Its like the saying goes “There’s a customer for every product”

I wasn’t horribly impressed with the first one. It was just killing but there wasn’t muich particularly “Deadpool” about it, as far as I remember. You could have subbed in any generic enemy and you wouldn’t have to change much, except for those few instances where he won by just regenerating almost instantly from any

Yea I think that economic theory doesn’t apply here because you’re not providing an optional service and competing against other providers. When someone shows up at a hospital, they need care now, they’re not going to comparison shop. So in reality, there is no competition at all.

I’ll counter with this fucked up strawberry I grew.

I don’t know what the other people here are talkign about, its obviously the same world. There are plenty of cars in the planes movie that look exactly like the type of cars in the cars movies.... but just like how you should imagine the cars are solid and not cable of holding people, the planes in the planes movie

It’ll be interesting to see how much Bethesda does with this code. They do say in the video that the mods are going through “a full development cycle” and a guarantee to work with all save games... so I assume it’ll be a bit more than just a quick qa/qc.