
If I were guessing, I think they’re referring to how (even now) missions tend to flow from one to the other. IE you finish a main mission and nearby is another main mission you pick up, which then takes you to another part of the map, etc. They do that now, but its inconsistent. I hope what they mean is fixing that so

Its obviously referring to a latino Sphinx. Get with the times. END CHIMERA OPPRESSION!

Same... less with miles but more with just being able to easily track expenses.

Why is it disturbing? It seems like a pretty awesome story about a manager making something good for their company when up against a wall (at least this is the official story). Manager of the coca cola plant in germany is blocked from getting coca cola syrup so takes the initiative to make his own from what he can

I believe that’s called “camoflauge”

YES. I’m so tired of my wife opening the fridge and saying “We have nothing to eat, I have to go to the store” and the damn fridge is packed full of food. This is usually where I go “Fine, I’ll make lunch” and then make 3 meals out of whatever is in there for the 3 of us. This will make another excellent option in my

Wrong rover, you’re thinking of Spirit and Opportunity. Curiosity is only 5 years old and has an “indefinite” mission.

... maybe you should reread what I wrote and at the same time look up the requirements for being qualified for adoption. None of the things you say make you unqualified for adoption, but things like drug record, criminal record a home that is much too small for a child (think small studio apt) might make you

JFC... presidential library... I just imagined an empty gold leafed room with a single 15 year old android phone on a podium in the middle with Twitter running.

Makes you think though... if you’re not qualified for adoption, maybe you shouldn’t have a kid.

He kind of talked aorund it but I thought that was the whole point of the article.... yes you use it to project air power but you can’t project air power as soon as someone blows up the ship. Why bother shooting 100 planes out of the sky when you can just blow up the ship and all the planes are stranded.

The article above says it includes all the other channels in his network “that he has influence over”

Have they confirmed at all if PC will be able to play with consoles this time around?

I dunno, I have to pretty strongly disagree here.

You know per the article they bought all those homes right? Its not like the government walked in and kicked the owners out. They bought the houses outright or bought them as life estates which entitled the current owners to live there until death. That seems completely reasonable.

Not sure if you got kinja’d and intended to reply to someone else... but I agree?

Do YOU remember “deplorables”? And what she actually said? Or just the fact that she said it?

It’s not a broken or shit game. See, I can make unsubstantiated statements about something too.

Well, if I were to pretend to be a soulless robot not caring at all about the fact that they’re living animals.... I’d still want to shove some back into the water because what do you do with tons of whale carcasses on a beach? Google some exploding whale videos...

... What? In the US, luggage is screened in the airport before it gets anywhere near a plane.