
Yea that’s what I thought, and going through the history of the company, it was in fact bought by a US equity firm in 2008 but then did an IPO in 2012 to return it back to majority Canadian ownership. The equity firm still owns 48% though.

Those aren’t the same thing. The ones on your link are regular usb outlets, these are usb-c and they’re quickcharge compliant. BIG difference.

Those aren’t the same thing. The ones on your link are regular usb outlets, these are usb-c and they’re quickcharge

I will caveat that The Sun is tabloidy and I didn’t see any reference in any “mainstream news” outlet... so it still could be fake. Who the hell knows anymore.

FSB agent dead, MI6 agent in hiding:

Uh... so... why were they incarcerated again? Maximum security right, its not like they were caught shoplifting potato chips.

Anyone consider that the reason some conservatives are pushing this is the long game of guaranteeing a conservative USA without California’s influence? Like cutting off a diseased limb.

The U.S. Social Security Administration estimated that in 2013 undocumented immigrants—and their employers—paid $13 billion in payroll taxes alone for benefits they will never get. They can receive schooling and emergency medical care, but notwelfare or food stamps.

No no no! Any rights you don’t use up each year get taken away... but if you use them ALL up, you get more rights next year! That’s how it works right?

Oops, ha! You’re right, Gella was the one I saw write it before, my bad. Carry on!

You’ve used this multiple times already, but its “martial law (law of the military)” unless there’s some weird Marshall law I don’t know about.

Right, I completely agree... however with high labor costs, the cost of automation becomes competitive. See the other thread above, I listed a bunch of links showing that even in China and at Foxconn, they’re automating factories and laying off workers for these kinds of jobs.

First, I’d like to commend you on a well written and technically well reasoned argument... however, why do these arguments always only make sense when explained as a medieval village allegory with only 1 employer without competition?

Interesting... it seems like there might be some leeway here. If FF contracted them to produce a an interactive presentation of X quality for CES and that presentation wasn’t made, then the contract should be void, right? On the other hand, the contracted was voided first by FF for not making the initial payments.

Nope, I wouldn’t believe that, but yes, someone who would believe that would be a dunce!

Yup... FYI, this is already in a lot of McDonalds in the Toronto area. There are a series of panels in the queue area, you make your own orders and pay, then go pick up at the counter. There’s one person working at the counter.

I believe I read elsewhere that the workers in China in these factories have the equivalent of a basic community college education that focuses specifically on electronics assembly... the idea that they’re mindless uneducated slaves that can’t even read is a western fantasy. (the literacy rate in china is 92% vs 99%

It’ll probably be highly HIGHLY automated I bet, with only a few managers and packers

Maybe I’m missing an angle, but why would someone voluntarily pay more?

Maybe I’m missing an angle, but why would someone voluntarily pay more?

We’ve always had an electric stove so when we moved to a new house, we loaded everything into the “storage drawer” like usual. Then we go to bake a pizza, surrounded by friends at a housewarming party.

Ooooh bad news, Ringling brothers just declared bankruptcy. Is there an even smaller 2nd tier circus available that could perform? Maybe with animals limited to a housecat and a raccoon? That would be much more appropriate.