
You're not wrong. And they'd have a right to be upset, just as much as men have a right to be upset for people considering them 'lesser' caregivers because of some bad eggs. I think that's the problem at issue, here. People aren't leery of male caregivers because they think they're not 'built' for it, by and large; As

It looks to me like they're trying to market upon the anime thing; 'Sailor Moon was popular, let's go with that art style'.

Un-safed Google Images is going to be intolerable to browse through after this, isn't it?

This is found art.

@BobLobLaw2013 I'm afraid one good, long look at PavlovianCog's post history proves he was not being sarcastic (viz. The kind of guy who thinks that a man who is raped is weak and stupid for not having 'controlled the situation'.)

Am I the only one who can't open their webpage to play this game?

I am a feminist, and I don't believe Notch did it.

Why, racism, of course.

I'd like to make an addendum to this comment, regarding the 'Men aren't taken seriously in childcare' remark. Well, of course they aren't, for much the same reason as described above. Children are taught from the leg-up that babies are girl things. The idea that children are the preserve of women spreads as a memetic

I don't think it was about him killing them, period, but HOW he was killing them. Attacking a male enemy, Kratos is brutal, bloody, and random (naturally); Attacking a female enemy, his flourishes are focused upon ladyparts, and drawn out uncomfortably more than a male enemy's would be. If it's not meant to be

But there's a difference between media outlets. Watching television, you're not getting the opportunity to play an idealised analogue of your will. In games, you are. Of course they're going to offer paragons of masculinity and strength for male gamers to play as - gamers are going to BE that character. In television,

Did his reply to tiredfairy get deleted? I was having fun feeding the troll. :<

Don't sweat the details. Every woman is different just like every man is different - you can't say how anyone will react to being called a 'lady' instead of a 'woman'. Like another commenter pointed out, it's hard to find a female term which isn't loaded with an anti-female message. Follow your instincts, and learn

Now playing

If you wish to see this training in action, simply take a look at advertisements targeted at women.

I'm not disagreeing with you either - just laying out what seems to be the weight of the issue, as I see it. I think we just have a difference in perspective.

But the premise this photo-op emphasises is that sci-fi as a genre shouldn't necessarily be targeted 'for' men or young, straight males. Doing so acts to exclude women - or, anyone not a young, straight male - from the realm of sci-fi fandom, and perpetuates the problem. Moreover, you can get away with doing so for

I thought that was the problem - people can't help but look at prison rape differently from 'normal rape'. 'Prison rape' is qualified rape in the minds of the majority, when in reality, it's just as much 'rape rape' at it would be in the outside world. That qualification is a facet of rape culture - It runs in the

I see your point. Nonetheless, I don't think any setting beyond personal life or the bedroom is an ideal place for masculinity or femininity to be overtly expressed. Gender modality should be optional, not enforced or have success contingent upon it.