
honestly I wanted more Ultron, i want to see him invloved into a villian

its just a theory...a game theory.

my pistons are erect for project cars

Same here. Scared shit out of me. Played it once and refused to ever play it again

must have just happened, cause i was able to re download it sunday...I GOT THE LAST COPY?. alright lets start the bidding at 2500$ i hear 25 large?

Dragon age, Type 0, advance warfare, hardline, drive club, phantom pain, (yes playing all that) trying to kill time till Witcher and Project Cars and Ride.

if it costs more than one paycheck. pass

damn nintendo is killing people now over emulating. they arent playing around anymore.

i woudl have definetly renewed my subscription today for an update like this. too bad it isnt real

Anyone else smell that? ...smells like...smells like a Shop Contest. Yeah defenetly smells of Shop Contest.

“Flippity jippity..marbley warbley”. Is all I hear

meh, either way this wont effect me. i drive old trucks and motorcycles so they can suck it.WOOOOO OUTLAW COUNTRY!

lmao. they made sure no form of the word nigga will make it past.

We’ve been shooting the shit for hours now. Lol.

I like Johnny Cage Fistocuffs. he plays similar to ken and ryu.

The first time I ever flirted with a gamestop girl it worked out for i thought. we dated for a year. She hated working there, she didnt know anything about videos games, never played them. only good part was she would bring home my preorders..and the sex. I havent thought about her in years...QUICKLY! to the

ill add to wish list and monitor it for a price drop. looks good

Put it on ps now, now. (Or when it's released is fine too)

and you’ve won the internet for today with that comment...oh im sorry it looks like youre disqualified for cheating.

i wasnt feeling it at first..second trailer. im sold