Chess is a recognized sport =)
Chess is a recognized sport =)
Oh, I love history too much to limit my options to only fictitious event. It'd be great to see some of the great periods of history being focused on, or even more unknown eras.
Hell, maybe we could even make the French look like they at one time had great warriors and were feared by Rome? ..... unlikely.
If you believe for a moment that being able to click that quickly and accurately is not a physical display of agility, you're not giving it enough credit. And regarding stamina, it takes a lot of effort for my butt to not go numb after 14 hrs of gaming in one spot. That's PURE stamina training right there. ;)
"Ah, thank you for informing me, if that's indeed the case I'll just have a bun with condiments."
I tend to use an old but good joke regarding concentration camps when I'm asked if I had any relatives involved in WW2. "Yea, I do, but it's not what you think. My grandfather died in a concentration camp......."…
Sure, I've won lots of games as well. I usually go about fifteen matches in my Arena games before I strike out.
What I was trying to emphasis is it's far more streamlined for those who haven't played a true card building game. They want it to be simplistic and have "cookie cutter" builds so that people who've never…
I used to work with a fair number of Bengali and people from Chenai, it was always funny when people here in the states would refer to them as "middle eastern"and I'd look at them like they were crazy and ask them if they were blind, because clearly they're Asian.
Then it'd commence into a discussion about how people…
I'm the only person who's responded, what fanboys are you trolling? You're trying awful hard to sound like you "don't care" by putting effort into "trolling." Where if you "didn't care" you wouldn't be posting. But go ahead and show me and everyone else more about how you don't care by putting more effort into "not…
I've had the beta for it, for quite a while. Honestly, the game is so imbalanced it just frustrates me into not caring that I have it installed. Magic is so over powered compared to creatures, that the only way to win via creatures is to have a gimmick.
- I place a Legendary card worth 7 mana, AND bubble him with a…
No, you're simply assuming fans of the game care about you trying to rub it in their faces here, after your "top post in the only other D3 article on this site today."
=) So while I'm sure plenty of people read that other post, it doesn't make this one any less irrelevant.
I'd like to see more "what if" war games regarding history. Such as attacking Russia/China after WW2 due to the fear of the spread of Communism. Or using the newly formed NATO as a way to attack China due to either Vietnam or Korea (France was in Vietnam and was attacked by China, as France was a founding member of…
I think you're confusing me as an apologist for Diablo 3. =) I was merely commenting on the complete irrelevance of your post to anyone but yourself regarding the article.
If you're unable to grasp the satire here; that was at your expense, and not note that it wasn't an "anger" post, that's ok =) It just speaks again to your lack of reading comprehension skills.
But again, no worries. We can't ask you to strain yourself keeping up with people of at the least, a normal cognitive level.…
Well, he was the best Diplomat the world has ever seen =) But no.
=) No worries, I was making light of it myself with my CoH comment. I've grown up playing PC games where my own countrymen are the "baddies."
I'll admit though, I cannot think of a video game that has that particular reference in it. I would imagine it would be something like a south park game, etc if it did exist. I…
There's definitely huge differences when it comes to culture. I'm German, but I've been living in the States for quite a while for work. Friends and buddies have accused me quite a bit of being a "white knight" here and there. But what they forget is I stick up for my guy friends and treat them the same as I do…
I'm glad you found a game that allowed you to learn something regarding your heritage.
As a German, I'd love to play an American made game where my Heritage isn't depicted as genocidal, shit porn watching, sociopathic, neurotics.
Ah well, time to go shoot some Nazis in CoH2, been slacking lately.
As as male who's used a couple dating sites myself, I've found this same sort of scenario but obviously from a male perspective.
The amount of women who contact me and attempt to "share my interests" when it's clear that they've simply googled them and recite what wikipedia says regarding them, or contact me simply…
That's positive =) I'm legitimately glad it brightened your day. For the rest of us, we have no idea what you're talking about though, and it just seems like you're posting to sound like a "told you so" jerk regarding a post we never saw.
(Had to fill that requested void for you, why am I calling you a jerk again?)